Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2015

A sickening Jewish rat by the name of Max Benwell (@Max_Benwell) has come out and claimed to be White, then said he thinks it is fine for women to call for all White men to be murdered because they deserve it.
Writing for the Independent, the Jew Benwell defended Bahar Mustafa, a Goldsmith’s University officer who has banned both Whites and men from her meetings, and has openly called for a genocide.
He writes:
Men – be honest. Have you ever found yourself walking home at night, and been stopped in the street by a woman masturbating at you? Or has a woman ever followed you down the street, while shouting that she wants to “shag” you? Likewise, white people: has someone ever followed you around a shop suspiciously? Have the police ever stopped and searched you for no reason? Has someone shouted a racial slur at you, or treated you as somehow inferior to them because of your race?
If you have, then I’m sure you’ll be letting me know. But my guess is that for most of you, the answer is: no, of course you haven’t. Which is why, as a white man, I didn’t really mind when I saw Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmiths’ Diversity Officer, tweet “#KillAllWhiteMen”.
Now, ignoring the fact that this is utter nonsense – this idea that calling for a genocide is okay because maybe someone from the group you want to genocide did something bad to you, while also assuming that nothing bad ever happens to White men – why on earth is this Jew pretending to be White?

Jews do not typically identify as “White,” because if they did that would mean they would be stripped of some of the privileges they maintain as an ethnic minority. However, it has become a very regular occurrence for them to call themselves White while attacking Whites.
Last year, Mark Cohen wrote a piece in Gawker where he told of teaching at university and telling his students to yell racial slurs at him. Only he wasn’t looking for “kike,” “yid,” “hymey,” “Christ-Killer” or “bagel nigger.” No, he was looking for racial slurs against White people, while claiming he was White.
I am a white, middle-class male professor at a big, public university, and every year I get up in front of 150 to 200 undergraduates in a class on the history of race in America and I ask them to shout white racial slurs at me.

There is no logical reason why a Jew would pretend to be White and then call for Whites to be hated unless they are specifically trying to stir-up hatred against Whites. This cannot possibly be construed as an attempt at “equality,” even if you buy the nonsense that White males have some special advantage (beyond the obvious genetic ones) over non-Whites and women.
So, the question is, why are Jews using bizarre underhanded methods to try and stir-up racial hatred against White men?