Jew Barbara Roche Leads Campaign to Defame UKIP as “Racist”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2014

Yours country, gojim.  Is giving it now to Islams.
Yours country, gojim. Is giving it now to Islams.

The obese, frog-faced Jewish weasel Barbara Roche, a staunch supporter of the invasion of Britain by unwashed hordes of savages, has organized a cross-party campaign to defame Ukip as “racist” for standing against the Jewish invasion plot.

From the Guardian:

The first cross-party campaign to condemn Nigel Farage’s party as racist is to be launched this week amid fresh polls showing Ukip may come first across England in the European elections in May.

The campaign is led by the former Labour immigration minister Barbara Roche, who claimed: “Ukip’s campaign needs to be exposed for what it is, a racist campaign. The party is practising what is in effect a form of ‘Euracism’. They are deploying the same language and tactics used by openly racist parties like the BNP, but instead of targeting migrants from Africa and Asia they are targeting migrants from within the EU.”

The new anti-Ukip campaign, backed by social media and posters, is supported by the all-party Migration Matters Trust. Migration Matters is co-sponsored by the Conservative Nadim Zahawi and by the Liberal Democrat deputy leader in the Lords, Lord Dholakia.

Roche said: “It is no less offensive to say British families should be wary of Romanians moving in next door than it is to say it of Nigerians or Indians.

“Every day another example of Ukip racism is exposed, and every day Nigel Farage attempts to dismiss it with the same lazy ‘few rotten apples’ argument. It won’t wash.

Roche has picked up on claims by Farage in the Guardian that British people should be wary of Romanians moving into the street. Roche’s approach is controversial since critics claiming any attempt to brand Ukip as racists is in effect branding its apparently growing supporter base as racist. Polls have shown most voters do not regard the recent controversial Ukip posters as racist.

A second former home office minister, Jacqui Smith, said she was apprehensive about branding Ukip racist. Recalling Gordon Brown’s attack on the Rochdale pensioner Gillian Duffy, she said: “Did we not learn from ‘bigotgate’ in 2010 that there are many potential and actual Labour voters who feel all the frustrations and insecurities expressed by the Ukip poster campaign? Telling them they are wrong – and worse, closet racists – is unlikely to win their support”.

The Jewess Roche was first elected to parliament in 1994 but lost her seat in 2005, in large part due to her undying support for the Jewish war against Muslims in the Middle East.

Here again we see clearly that everything the Jew pushes is the exact opposite of what is right and decent.  She hates Muslims in Muslim countries and wants to cluster-bomb their babies but will fight to the death for the “right” of the same people to occupy Europe.

I support the exact opposite thing: I think Muslims are great for Muslim countries, and shouldn’t be bombed to death simply for existing by Jewish terrorists, but I am wholly against allowing them to invade and conquer Europe.

The fact that the Jews are organizing such frantic campaigns against Farage should demonstrate that he is not a stooge for them. UKIP does have a Jewish member, but I see this as strategic, given that they had some trouble with a member denying the Holohoax online. On the Jews part, of course, it is also strategic, and he will without doubt seek to weaken and damage the party, to redirect them towards something other than their original goals.

Shneur Odze, Ukip's Jew.
Shneur Odze, Ukip’s Jew.

At the same time, Jews themselves are divided, and a lot of them actually are against the invasion by Islamic hordes and would prefer to peacefully parasite on the European people. Still, even though a portion of the Jew population may share this common interests, it is completely unsafe to associate with any sort of Jew, and UKIP needs to be very careful.