Jew BBC Boss Determined to Prevent White People From Getting on Screen

Daily Stormer
April 29, 2014

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James Harding, the new Jew running the BBC News.

The Jewish boss of the BBC News has a not-so-secret plan to replace all the talented White folks on TV with substandard Blacks and feminist lesbians in wheelchairs.

From Daily Mail:

The BBC could have an ‘unconscious bias’ against ethnic minorities, women and disabled people, its news boss admitted yesterday.

How shocking, a national broadcasting company tends to use more of it’s own nation in its programs than people from other nations.

James Harding said there is a lack of diversity among its top news presenters because managers tend to recruit those who look like them.

Not because they tend to pick people who can actually speak the English language then?

He said he plans to ‘do something determined’ to increase the number of ethnic minorities and women on screen, including stricter diversity targets and a ‘sponsorship scheme’ to help them progress to senior positions.

Give all the top positions to Blacks regardless of their suitability, pay them extra money through sponsorship schemes and discriminate against Whites and men in order to elevate the privileged class of Blacks, Jews and women.

This is just one of the many reasons why there are not many Black actors.

In a speech to BBC staff at New Broadcasting House, he said: ‘On the issues of diversity, equality and disability at the BBC, my view remains that we – by which I mean me and every one of us who has the power to appoint and promote people within News and Current Affairs – have to do something determined about this.

If you disagree with me you will be sacked.

‘Across News, we worry that we have a tendency to recruit in our own image, so all members of the News Group Board have taken a course in unconscious bias.’ Mr Harding – who was previously editor of The Times newspaper – said he would ‘stick to the principle that the best candidate gets the job’.

Everyone will have to go through special hypnotherapy White Guilt training to ensure they stick to the principle that Whites must only be considered as a very last resort for the position.

But he said news managers are now increasing their diversity targets so that bulletins have more black and ethnic minority presenters in future.

We have already taken over all the regional news programmes with unrealistic Non-Whites and Blacks who will say anything we tell them too.

He said BBC London had committed to raising the proportion of ethnic minority staff to 28 per cent, up from 21 per cent, in the next two or three years.

But he added: ‘To those to say this is not enough, I agree. There is much more to be done on diversity across the BBC, on air and off it.’

In typical Jew fashion, we will pretend that this is something the public is actually requesting of us and it will form part of a more general scheme to replace Whites everywhere.

There’s a job for you at the BBC, no experience required.

He said: ‘The BBC should, surely, be the best news organisation in the country to get a job and prosper if you come from an ethnic minority background, if you are a women, if you are disabled.

The BBC has no interest in what qualifications anyone has besides what race they are and what they have between their legs. We will tack the disabled on at the end just so our discrimination doesnt look too obvious.

‘Our target should not be to be good enough, but to be to be much, much better than the rest. We have a long way to go.’

The target is to make TV too much for any White person to bear, we will crush them once and for all with a tsunami of ethnic mediocrity and unintelligible ebonics.

Mr Harding also announced BBC would decrease its news budget by £20million in the next two years, adding to the £40million cuts it has made in the past three.

The BBC has faced more than a decade of criticism over its failure to hire more ethnic minority staff.

From Jews, Blacks and brainwashed Anti-Whites who have all been taught to hate White people, despite the fact that without White people there would be no such thing as TV in the first place.

In 2001, then-BBC director general Greg Dyke described the corporation as ‘hideously white’ after figures showed more than 98 per cent of its workers were white.

Be prepared for British television to get even worse than it already is, far, far worse.

The BBC have already replaced one of the three musketeers with a Mestizo, prepare to see more ludicrous re-writes of classical literature in the future.