Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2016
Ben Shapiro is whining again that random people on the internet are calling him names and sending him meme which hurt his widdle feewlings.
Poor widdle Ben, those mean old internet people just want to make him feel sadness!
What the hell is this crap?
Who is he expecting to feel sorry for him that he was called names on the internet?
This is Sarkeesian-tier SJW whining.
Look, Benny boy – how about instead of crying six million tears about how people on the internet made you feel sad, why don’t you go ahead and try and explain how Donald Trump is “not conservative”?
Because despite your claims, you haven’t done that yet. Instead you just make this baseless claim, then say “oh, well, the people who disagree are evil Nazis and they are mean to me!”
Look, Ben. It is obvious to everyone that the reason you oppose Trump is because you are a Jew who is instinctively threatened by a masculine authoritarian White leader. I read where you said it was evil that the Donald didn’t want Moslems in America – why don’t you talk about how evil Likud is for not wanting Moslems in Israel?
Do you see that this is all out there in the open, Ben?
We can see that you are demanding we be flooded with hajis, while wearing you little faggot hat and identifying with a foreign power which is ethnically cleansing their Moslem population.
All you are doing by saying “wow just wow they hurt my feelings with words” is calling out yourself as the subversive Jew that you are.
Sorry, buddy – the jig is up.
We see you.
And soon the whole world will see you.
Just keep doing what you’re doing.
It’s helping us.