Jew Bernie Releases Pro-White Ad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2016

Okay, so it isn’t exactly “pro-White,” but the overwhelming majority of the people in the video are White – especially when it shows the actual rallies (there are a few non-White actors).

The song featured, “America,” is sung by Paul Simon, who is Jew.

It’s a very good ad though.

It appears that Sanders, like Trump, is a White phenomenon. Funny thing, that. Many of the issues are even the same – trade, the working class, etc.

CNBC host Larry Kudlow recently came out and predicted that Sanders would get the nomination, then lose to Trump in 49 states.


Hillary might collapse totally. For a while now, media Jews have been trying to push Sanders over her. I don’t think it’s because they prefer him, but because Hillary has become such a problematic candidate.