Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

Here’s your touching holohoax fable of the day, goyim.
Cry about it or we’ll throw you in prison.
Diny Adkins sat in a metal folding chair, clutching a tissue with a hand encircled in a rainbow of bracelets.
The 77-year-old Holocaust survivor listened in rapt concentration as Woodlake Elementary School students acted out the story of her life on stage. During a scene portraying her as a child, clutching her doll Anneke as she hid in an attic, Adkins slowly shook her head of pink, purple, blue, green and gold hair.
The South Carolina woman has dedicated the past 30 years of her life to visiting schools, churches, synagogues and senior centers to tell her story.
But this was the first time it had been turned into a play.
“It was so emotional,” Adkins said to Lisa Liss, the teacher who organized her visit and the play. “The whole thing just came back to me. You did a fantastic job.”
Adkins said she was only 4 years old in 1942 when she was captured by the Nazis and separated from her family while living in Amsterdam during World War II. She remembers seeing Nazi soldiers forcing themselves into homes.
“I had a girlfriend 4 years old, named Edith, and I saw her getting shot,” she said.
Where’s the evidence that 4-year-old got shot, you lying hippie dyke? Why would someone shoot a 4-year-old? It doesn’t make any sense.

But wait, it gets stupider.
Adkins turned her arm to show a large tattoo of the number 005181. It was tattooed there at one of the two concentration camps she was sent to during the war, she said. Adkins had it darkened years later, when it began to fade, and added the words “Never Forget” and “Remember.”
Adkins said she escaped the Nazis while en route to the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. She remembers being pushed out of a small air hole in a railroad car by other prisoners trying to save her and other small children.
Eighty-five of her relatives were killed by the end of the war, Adkins said, although all of her immediate family survived.
Fifth-grader Ashley Maldonado said Woodlake students felt it was important to put on the play. “She suffered a lot. We want to show it, so it won’t happen again.”
Ha! She slipped out of an air vent! Imagine it!
And 85 relatives dead!
Where are the documents???