Jew Blinken and Nigger Lampy Swoop Through KEEV to Ask Jew Zelensky How They Can Suck Him Harder

This nigger Lampy has been trying to stop the Jews in Israel, but he still loves sucking these Jews in KEEV. He’ll suck that Jew Blinken too.

It continues to boggle the mind that someone could be against the US imperial mission in Israel, and yet be in total support of the US imperial mission in the Ukraine. It’s like, literally the same thing.

I know people will say “well, these liberals just love brown people, that’s why they care about Palestine.”

But dog: Ukrainians are white.

Why do they love them so much?

If you’re not blinded by the retarded emotional woman narrative about the Ukraine being a brave Aryan Supremacist underdog trying very romantically to protect their 1991 border integrity through mass slaughter, you can easily see that there is no difference at all between the Ukraine and Israel. It’s literally the same war, which is a global war for total Jew dominance of the earth – to put every living goyim under their boot heel.

I mean, Lampy is a nigger, so I’m not surprised he’s confused. But most Westerners who support Palestine also support the Ukraine.


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British foreign minister David Lammy arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday for a series of meetings with senior Ukrainian government officials at a critical juncture in the war against Russia.

Blinken has said he wants to hear directly from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and others what Kyiv’s goals in the war are and what Washington can do to help it achieve them.

Zelenskiy is likely to renew appeals to his allies to allow Ukraine to fire Western missiles including long-range U.S. ATACMS and British Storm Shadows deep into Russian territory to limit Moscow’s ability to launch attacks.

Of course.

He wants to start doing terrorist attacks on Moscow. He just wants to bomb random people, as he’s been doing elsewhere, thinking if he kills people in Moscow, it will… actually, I don’t understand the logic. That will just make people much angrier and make Putin much more likely to just start firebombing KEEV.

Blinken and Lammy are expected to push Ukraine for more information on its strategic aims as they consider whether to give the go-ahead, according to Western sources.

There is nervousness in Washington and some European capitals that doing so would provoke Russia towards a direct conflict with the West, while officials also recognise that Ukraine needs more help if it is to swing the war in its favour.

Overnight, U.S. President Joe Biden suggested that there was room for compromise.

Biden said his administration was “working that out now” when asked if the United States would lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range weapons in its war against Russia.

The speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, said that Moscow would consider the United States and its allies to be parties to the war if they allowed Kyiv to use long-range weapons.

Remember when Biden said that even sending tanks to the Ukraine would be “World War 3”?

Now he’s saying American missile systems, operated by American “contractors,” should be used to do terrorist bombings against Moscow.

We had a “cold war” for decades. Then relations were more or less normalized.

Things were pretty much fine.

I recently ran across this picture of (then Russian president) Dmitry Medvedev at Camp David in 2012:

He and Obama were all smiles. Just normal, friendly relations.

That was just 2 years before they started the mass demonization of Russia after they ran a coup in the Ukraine, and only 8 years after that, they bullied Russia into open war.

It escalated quickly.

For whatever reason, the State Department went ape shit. Nothing changed on Russia’s side. Washington just decided they wanted to destroy Russia for some reason.

People blame the whole “Trump Russia” narrative. But that seems like sort of a weak argument. Because why did they make the Trump Russia narrative? They could have said he worked for the Chinese. Further, the Americans did the Maidan coup in the Ukraine in 2014, before the Age of Trump.

Probably, this insane new plan to destroy Russia mostly has to do with the fact that Putin banned gays and established Christianity as a state religion in Russia. America is literally a satanic empire. Just take a look around. It’s not just generically “evil,” it is specifically satanic.

They want to kill Christians (especially white Christians).

With the Ukraine war, they can, conveniently, kill Christians on both sides.