Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2014

The Interview is a very publicized, yet-to-be-released comedy movie directed by Jew Evan Goldberg; it is about two journalists, played by Jews James Franco and Seth Rogen, who are instructed to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in an undercover operation. It was scheduled to be released on Christmas Day, but Sony has yanked it as a result of threats against theaters that planned on screening the movie.
The film is about a fictional plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Hackers have already carried out a cyber attack on Sony and warned the public to stay away from cinemas screening the film.
Earlier, the New York premiere of The Interview was cancelled. Sony says it understands its partners’ decision.
However, in a statement it said it was “deeply saddened at this brazen effort to suppress the distribution of a movie”.
“In light of the decision by the majority of our exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the planned December 25 theatrical release,” it said.
“We respect and understand our partners’ decision and, of course, completely share their paramount interest in the safety of employees and theatre-goers.”
Nearly six months ago North Korea stated that the release of The Interview would constitute an “act of war.” And in late November Sony had been a victim of a significant hack, which U.S. officials are now linking North Korea to.
The officials told NBC News the hacking attack originated outside North Korea, but they believe the individuals behind it were acting on orders from the North Koreans.
“We have found linkage to the North Korean government,” according to a U.S. government source.
This is all pretty hilarious stuff, but the linkage of the Sony hack to North Korea adds even more hilarity to this circus of events. The Jews aggravated a tiny isolated nation with their “comedy” and now they are paying the price for it, literally—The Interview is said to have cost $42 million for Sony to produce. Here’s to hoping that they never screen it and therefore lose that $42 million.
If it isn’t already your personal policy, never pay to watch Jewish comedy movies. Or better yet, never watch Jewish comedy movies at all. Paying to watch them is feeding the beast that reigns over us, and watching them in general is an un-Aryan activity.
Related: North Korea Threatens War if Weird Jew-Produced Movie is Released