Jew Commissions Poll, Says 80% of Americans Believe in Coming Second Holocaust

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2014

Only a Jew face can stay straight while vomiting up this nonsense onto the people.
Only a Jew face can stay straight while vomiting up this nonsense onto the people.

A Jew has commissioned a poll which he claims shows that 80% of America believes Iran is going to Holocaust the Jews.


80.2 percent of the respondents of a new poll said they do fear a rise of anti-Semitism around the world that would turn violent and lead to deliberate attempts to wipe out Jews.

The results are from polling on behalf of author Joel C. Rosenberg.

“To me, this is a stunning number. It indicates that Americans do not see the history of the Nazi Holocaust as some kind of ancient history,” Rosenberg said. “Across the board, Americans of all ages, income groups, ethnic groups, religions, political ideologies and regions of the country are deeply concerned that a ‘Second Holocaust’ may be coming if world leaders do not take decisive action to stop Iran before it is too late.”

The question was posed by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally respected polling firm, to 1,000 likely U.S. voters.

They were asked: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘If the world does not take decisive action, and the Iranian regime is permitted to build nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them, the Iranian regime will one day attempt to annihilate the state of Israel and bring about a second Holocaust’?”

Only 3.7 percent said they didn’t know, while 80.2 percent said they agree, and 16.1 percent said they disagreed.

This clearly demonstrates that McLaughlin & Associates are completely full of crap, and should probably be shut down by the government for inducing panic through the spread of blatant disinformation.

Granted, many people in this country are borderline retarded, having lived their entire lives on Jewish media, but I do not think there is any possibility that it is this bad. Firstly, only about half of the US population is White at this point, and these people don’t even know there is a country called Iran (though I suppose they could have been swayed by the polling slant-method into agreeing).

Seriously, go out in public and ask people if they think Iran is planning to Holocaust the filthy Christ-killing Jews. No one that I meet thinks that, except whacked-out Zio-Christian Antichrists, who are dwindling very quickly as no one will breed with them and if do breed their own children hate them.

I wish this gibberish was true. I wish Iran would build some nukes and just bomb the hell out of Israel completely. But they aren’t going to. You know why? Because if they did, the retaliation would kill everyone in their country in a matter of minutes. And no one would do that, ever. It makes no basic sense. It is utterly nonsensical gibberish, saying that Iran is planning to destroy themselves just to kill some Jews. No thinking adult could actually believe such a thing, and these faked Jew polls they keep coming out with are simply designed to psychologically bully people into thinking they should believe in this insane Jew conspiracy theory because everyone else does.

Because we are human beings still, and we still strive for cohesion, and part of that is sharing beliefs with those in our community. And the Jew knows. Oh, you’d better believe he knows.