Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 3, 2015

Jew Salesforce CEO and possesser of 3.5 billion shekels he Jewed from goyim, Marc Benioff, has come out and said that he will help employees who are uncomfortable with Indiana’s freedom of association law which allows religious people to refuse to serve faggots move out of the state.
Seriously, real thing.
The move is in response to a law signed last week by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence that allows businesses to refuse service to gay, lesbian and transgender people on religious grounds.Benioff had already pledged to reduce his company’s investments in Indiana, calling the law “brutal,” “unfair” and “unjust.” The cloud computing CEO said he is working with state officials in hopes of changing the statute. …
Benioff acknowledged that Salesforce (CRM, Tech30) won’t be able to completely pull out of Indiana, given the size of the company’s operations there.
If we didn’t have these Jews to guide us, where would we be? It is so comforting to know that there is an entire race of people that is ready to help homosexuals force their will on others. Imagine if you were living in Indiana, as an open homosexual who deeply desired to force Christians to violate their value system by doing business with you, but there was a law which said they didn’t have to? Do you have any idea how badly that would hurt?
The good news is, many other helpful billionaires and multinational corporations are coming out in support of the right of men who engage in anal sex with other men forcing their will upon people.
Big business has been at the forefront of the backlash against the Indiana law, and similar legislation pending in states around the U.S.
Apple (AAPL, Tech30), Yelp (YELP), the NCAA, Eli Lilly (LLY), NASCAR, General Electric (GE), Angie’s List and PayPal are among the companies that have raised concerns….
“This is a really important point that, you know, CEOs have a lot of power and control on investment in states and we want to invest in states where there is equality,” Benioff said.
“One thing that you’re seeing is that there is a third [political] party emerging in this country, which is the party of CEOs,” he said.
See stupid goyim? You not only thought anal sex with men was sick and bizarre, but you thought multinational corporations and the billionaires who run them were immoral, feeding off of people in an exploitative way for material gain. Wrong on all accounts, yet again.