Jew Daniel Radcliffe Stars in “Imperium” New Anti-White Film Depicting Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Terror Group

Info Stormer
July 7, 2016


The Harry Potter Jew Daniel Radcliffe plays a convincing Neo-Nazi White Supremacist in this film lol.

The Hollywood Jews are continuing with their ridiculous and absurd anti-White propaganda.  The latest anti-White film coming down the pipe is called “Imperium” which stars the Harry Potter Jew Daniel Radcliffe.  Radcliffe plays an FBI agent who is assigned to infiltrate a terrorist group of Neo-Nazi White supremacists.

The trailer is quite comical.  This Jew film is essentially taking all the things Islamic terrorists are doing in White nations but depicting White supremacists doing them instead.

These Jews are becoming increasingly unhinged with their propaganda.  A large number of comments under the video are exposing the film’s obvious anti-White agenda.