Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2015

Alan “The Dersh” Dershowitz had just announced a couple of weeks ago that he was going to be representing the Jew film director Roman Polanski who was convicted of drugging and raping a 13-year-old goyim girl in 1977 (including anally) and fled the country before sentencing, according to a New York Times article from December 15th of last year.
The Jew lawyer Dershowitz now has the full force of hell coming down on him as he is being accused by a Jane Doe of having sex with an underage girl trafficked by the Jew banker Jeffrey Epstein.
It is hardly helpful that he openly associated himself with the world’s most famous child rapist just two weeks before the charges were lodged against him. It is also hardly helpful that this is yet another Jew in this sick scene of underage sex networking which is emerging into public view.

Because the nature of this sex scandal is so Jewish, the media is going to do their best to bury it. It is up to us in the alternative media to keep attention on it, and to research the various angles of it and bring new information to the light.