Jew Disinfo Outlet Vox Said “Ebola No Problemo” a Month Ago, Now Admits It will Cover the Globe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

October 20, 2014

Back in September, Jewish propaganda outlets, suck as Vox, were claiming that there was virtually no chance that Ebola would leave Africa, even while Africans from infected countries were travelling freely and there was zero reason to think it wouldn’t spread.

Apparently, this was a means of buying time while they infected us.

Cool story, bro.
Cool story, bro. [bigger map]
Then, of course, Ebola defied Vox’s odds and came to America.  Then they admitted it is going to spread across the planet.

Yeah, but it's cool.
Yeah, but it’s cool.  Don’t worry, goyims. [bigger map]
And now, Vox – just like Huffington Post, Daily Beast, Salon, Barack Obama, MSNBC, etc. – is telling us that there is no way that banning flights would be able to stop the virus from entering America, because “they’ll find a way.”

Don't worry, silly goyims.
Don’t worry, silly goyims.

No one understands what this means.  Will the infected persons swim to America?  It’s a very long way to swim.  And those little maps you post, Vox, seem to indicate that air travel is the way this disease has been spread.  Pretty sure the guy who brought it to America was on a plane.

None of these endless articles and statements by Jews even really attempt to explain how the virus would travel, if air travel was banned.  They usually start out by saying that, then go into some sob story about the economy of Liberia.

This Vox article gives examples of limited travel bans and screenings, which in no way relates because that’s not what the hell we’re talking about here, Jews.  We’re talking about a complete and unconditional flight ban to and from West Africa.  None of the examples relate to what we are asking for in any way but “disease… air planes…”  It is completely ridiculous.  Like trying to trick a child with that hand thing where you make it look like you’re pulling off your own thumb.

How is it that we are now this stupid?

The Jewish explanation for why a West Africa flight ban could never work.
The Jewish explanation for why a West Africa flight ban could never work.

But no, fellow goyim, I’m pretty sure we can trust the Jews on this.  They might have been completely wrong about the other thing, but this, they are probably totally right about somehow, even though it makes no sense.  We can’t stop the disease from spreading by banning all flights, because in the 80s they tried to ban flights for people with AIDS, but the people with AIDS lied about having the disease to get on flights and spread it.  So if we ban all flights, it won’t help because people with Ebola will just lie about it and get on the flights anyway.

Don’t you get it, you stupid goyim?

There is no way to stop the spread.

But it doesn’t matter anyway, because it being in our country is irrelevant.