Daily Slave
September 23, 2014

Jew Labour leader Ed Miliband wants 10 years to fix the United Kingdom after what he claims is the damage done to the country by Conservatives. This is laughable on so many levels, considering that both Labour and Conservative parties have historically pushed a pro-Jewish agenda. The Jew usury system, the hordes of Muslims they’ve brought in, cultural Marxist policies etc. are all Jew-promoted agendas that have been implemented in the UK. It spans all of Britain’s establishment political parties.
But despite that, this Jew claims he’s going to fix what his fellow Jews have done to the nation? Does he really think the British people are that stupid?
Plus, why does he need 10 years to fix the nation? Adolf Hitler was able to fix Germany from the destruction caused by Jews in just a few years time. He outlawed usury and removed Jews from positions of power. That formula worked well for Germany and can work for the UK or any other country.
This Jew clown needs to be deported out of Britain immediately.
In his final party conference speech before the general election, the Labour leader will unveil a vision for building a “world-class” Britain.The BBC understands he will also announce a spending boost for the NHS in England to be paid for by a tax on homes worth more than £2m.
Labour is refusing to comment on “speculation” about the “mansion tax”.
Mr Miliband will argue that Prime Minister David Cameron – who claims to have a “long-term economic plan” for the country – has no answer to falling living standards, a faltering NHS and young people struggling to get on the property ladder.