Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2015

Facebook, a dying new media platform, is run by a ratlike Jew billionaire named Zuck Shekelwitz. Sorry, no, “Mark Zuckerberg.”
The Jew doesn’t care much for Israel, and generally has been scolded by the Foxman for not stopping evil goyim from denying the lampshading of the sixty trillion and talking about satanic Jew ritual human sacrifice.
Related: Foxman Flips as Fellow Jews at Facebook Refuse to Remove Jewish Ritual Murder Info
But don’t say “well, I guess this Jew is a neo-Jew who just cares about fleecing the goyim of their shekels, and not destroying goyim society.”

Because even though he allegedly lol’d at Foxman when ordered to ban Holodenial, he has also spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to turn America brown.
And he is now banning anti-browning activists.
After being accused of censoring immigration reports published by the independent, nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on its website, Facebook issues a statement apologizing, and explaining that the ban on the information was simply an “error.”
On Monday, CIS attempted to post four recent reports on Facebook regarding the influence of immigration on the United States job market and employment rates. The reports, according to the Washington Examiner, were based on data provided by federal organizations, such as the US Census Bureau of Labor Statistics.
However, attempts to post or share the reports were prevented by the site with a popup message stating the following: “Your message could not be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”
Immigration critics and the CIS report author, Dr. Steven Camarota, were quick to accuse Facebook of censoring content. The accusations are based on Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-immigration position, with critics accusing the website of forwarding his agenda by banning the content.
“An informed debate over immigration requires data and analysis about its effects,” a CIS blog post said. “Only with information from a variety of sources can Americans try to understand our current policies, assess proposed changes, and judge candidates for political office.”
And there you have it.
Jewishness is not a conspiracy. Because the Zuck didn’t even care about holodenial or pages about Jew ritual sacrifice, even when powerful Jews were whining about it. But he still wants to destroy White people, and is driven to act aggressively to forward this goal.
This proves that Jewishness is a genetic pattern which drives the creatures possessing the DNA to destroy things.