Jew Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Asks Forgiveness for Dividing People

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2017

We don’t forgive you for your shit website Mark!

If you’ve read any of my previous articles you’ll understand that I am not a fan of the Jewish Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. I think he is a very evil person. That is not hyperbole either. What sort of diabolical bastard would hire an army of thought police to manage and control every single word and sentence someone says on a social media website? It defeats the entire idea of what social media was alleged to be.

If Zuckerberg is stupid enough to run for President in 2020, I will personally follow him around the country and protest his public appearances. If he has a problem with this, I’d be happy to have further discussions with him at the Daily Stormer’s international headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. We can hold the meeting in the conference room we’ve named after Hitler.

All that aside, Zuckerberg is back in the news because he is asking people for forgiveness. If he thinks this stunt is going to spare him from the gas chamber he is sorely mistaken.


Mark Zuckerberg seemed to ask for forgiveness this weekend for the way that the platform he created, Facebook, was used by the Russians to influence the most recent presidential election.

Zuckerberg, who is Jewish, said late on Saturday that as he celebrated Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, he was thinking about some of his sins in the previous year.

“For those I hurt this year, I ask forgiveness and I will try to be better,” he wrote on his personal Facebook page. “For the ways my work was used to divide people rather than bring us together, I ask forgiveness and I will work to do better.”

The problem Zuckerberg has is that the leftists are mad at him over this Russia stuff where as many others like myself are mad at him for Big Brother censorship policies.

I personally will not forgive Zuckerberg for Facebook and there’s lots of other people who agree with me. Facebook is the most horrible website on the tubes. The world would be better off if it were just deleted.

It might seem hard to fathom now, but it would not surprise me if Facebook went the way of MySpace in the 2020s. MySpace was the original social media juggernaut and it faded out of mainstream use years ago.

People are tired of Facebook’s thought policing and who the hell knows what they’re doing with everyone’s data. Based on what we already know about Zuckerberg and the other Jews who help him run it, we can assume that whatever they’re doing isn’t good.

If Zuckerberg does in fact decide to run for President, his campaign will create major problems for Facebook. Jewish Marxism is not all that popular or trendy right now. His potential run would be a public relations disaster for the site. Besides, Facebook seems to have already reached its peak and it can only go downhill from here. Why else would Zuckerberg be selling up to 75 million Facebook shares?