Jew Faggot Drops N-BOMB on CNN While Hoax-Attacking Alt-Right

Daily Stormer
November 23, 2016


As the Trumpenkrieg continues it’s unstoppable assault against all things non-Republican and anti-White, the Judenpresse grows ever more panicky. As a race, Jews are highly inclined to nervousness and paranoia, which is likely a survival mechanism that evolved in them over centuries of parasitism and subverting the goyim. This leads them to constantly play the victim and accuse everyone of everything in order to shield themselves.

After all, if you’re going to commit fraud, theft and treason on a massive scale, generation after generation, while simultaneously and constantly throwing it in the faces of the people to whom you are doing it, it helps to be on the lookout for what you know you rightfully have coming to you.

You didn’t think you were in charge of your own country, did you goy?

Regrettably, this paranoid personality is no longer especially useful in the age of instant information, as the unprecedented media failure throughout the 2016 presidential campaign has proven.

They can cry “RACIST NAZI KKK BIGOT HOLOCAUST!!!” all they like, but it just doesn’t work anymore.


I wonder who could be behind all these lies?

Of course, this doesn’t mean they’re gonna suddenly change and start telling the truth. What it means is that their nervous disorders have gone into overdrive, and they are foaming at the mouth like a bunch of rabid, butthurt, egg-sucking dogs who’ve been caught by the farmer and wish to blame the cow.

And in that spirit, they are just blindly making things up on air.

On CNN Tuesday night, in a discussion of the Alt-Right with anchor Brooke Baldwin, the former NYT Jew Charles Kaiser listed off alleged actions of Steve Bannon, claiming that he had used the word “nigger.”

The Jew said:

He should never retweet someone with the name ‘WhiteGenocide’ who lists his address as ‘Jew America,’ that’s what he did in February. He should never ask his supporters again to give the Nazi salute. … If you don’t want the support of the alt-right, don’t choose as a White House counselor … a man who uses the word ‘nigger,’ whose wife says that he did not want his kids to go to a school with too many Jews.”

Baldwin let the show go on for a few minutes before the Jew (and the Black Trump surrogate he was debating) had their mics cut by producers. Baldwin then started crying, lol.

Firstly: WhiteGenocideTM is a great guy, and the tweet is still up, so the left can quit bitching about it. It’s been up for ten months now and Glorious Leader doesn’t care about your whining.

As for Trump asking his followers to do the “Nazi Salute,” well – he just totally made that up.

Kaiser has already been forced to admit he lied, or rather he claims he “misattributed” the “nigger” quote (which is as close as you’ll get to a Jew admitting he lied).

But just who is Charles Kaiser?

Perhaps the bio on his website will be informative.

Charles Kaiser was born in Washington D.C. and grew up there and in Albany, N.Y., Dakar, Senegal, London, England, Windsor, Conn., and New York City.

He is completing The Cost of Courage, about a French family in the Resistance in Paris during World War II, to be published by The Other Press.

Kaiser was a founder and former president of the New York chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. He has taught journalism at Columbia and Princeton, where he was the Ferris Professor of Journalism.

So, gay, reporter, founder and president of homosexualist advocacy group, writer of anti-Nazi propaganda, and college professor. All good evidence, but no mention of ethnicity/religion.

I wonder why?



So Charlie Kaiser, to quote leading Republican Mel Gibson, has “a dog in this fight.”

Several, actually. As a gay Jew reporter he sees his tribe’s control of the mass media becoming more irrelevant every day, and this means that Jewish degenerates like him no longer set the standards for our governments, cultures and nations.

In other words, The Big Gay Jewish Orgy is over in America.

Charles Kaiser had better learn to suck it up (no pun intended) and fly right. If he’s already this triggered, imagine how he’ll feel next January when The Leader takes power!
