Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2015

Five-hundred years after Spain expelled the parasite, they are making a gigantic show of letting it back in.
Last month Spain passed a law granting citizenship to all Jews of Sephardic descent whose ancestors were expelled during the Spanish Inquisition more than 500 years ago. The Inquisition began in 1492, where Spain expelled around 200,000 Jews under the orders of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. Those Jews were known as Sephardic Jews, aka Sephardim, derived from the Hebrew word Sepharad, which means Spain.
“This law is a real historic reparation of, I dare say, the biggest mistake in Spanish history,” said Spaniard minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardo to the New York Times on his last visit in New York City. He also added that he has been fighting to pass this law since 2012.
Wow. Worse than when you let the French invade you and lost Mexico at the same time?
Because that was a series of really, really bad mistakes.

Seriously though, talk about Jew ass-kissing. This is Lindsey Graham tear. Worst mistake in history was expelling Jews for collapsing your economy and trying to destroy your religion after they were the ones who helped the Moslems invade.
I would say that letting Jews in in the first place was the worst decision in Spanish history, but no – this decision to let them back in, yet again, even after we have scientific – genetic – proof of exactly what these monsters are is the worst decision in Spanish history.
Gallardo says Spain expects more than 150,000 individuals to apply for the Spanish citizenship since the Sephardic community had reached up to two million members in the United States, Israel, and France. Significant minorities of Sephardic Jews also live in the Latin-American countries of Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, Chile, Nicaragua and Peru.
That is a whole lot of Jews.
A deluge.
The idea of wanting more Jews in your country is something completely new.
We’ll just have to see how that works out for you, Spain.