Jew Gene Simmons Says He Never Did Drugs Because of the Holocaust

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2016


Jews: Normalizing homosexuality and other degeneracy since the goyim began allowing them to do that.

Gene Simmons (nee Chaim Witz, Hebrew: חיים ויץ‎‎), the lead singer of the gay-rock band KISS (Knights in Satan’s Service rofl), was so successful as a rock star because he never did drugs or got drunk. Because of the Holocaust.

It seems like the Holocaust has made Jews’ lives a lot better.

Not only personally, but in business, baby.

No wonder they’re pushing so hard for a second one.

LA Times:

Rocker Gene Simmons says there’s no big secret to his ability to play a show night after night while wearing 50 pounds of gear (that’s between the armor and his guitar):

“I’ve never been drunk and I’ve never been high,” said Simmons, 67, who is currently on tour with KISS.

Oh, course, his fans were. Because his music encouraged it.


Tikkun Olam, goyim.

Although a rock ’n’ roll lifestyle practically preaches indulgence of booze and drugs, Simmons said he went against the grain — for his mother, who survived a Nazi concentration camp while many in her family did not.

“I’m my mother’s only child,” Simmons said. “I was concerned I had no right to harm my mother. Life did that enough.”

Simmons said abstaining has helped him stay on top of the music industry and continue to fill stadiums after more than four decades.

“I literally never drink. Privately or publicly. I simply don’t like the taste or the smell of anything with alcohol in it. I have never been drunk in my life and have never taken more than a sip of anything, and hated it every time. I will toast just to be social, but that’s it.”

“Life is a race and we’re in constant competition,” added Simmons, whose band is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and was named the top American gold-record-earning band of all time by the Recording Industry Assn. of America.

It’s capitalism, goyim. You can be the worst band of an entire era, but still get big because every radio station is run by your ethnic kin who would rather see a Jew at the top of their genre.

You can even steal the evil symbols of the bad goyim, and use them for your own purposes.


What a wonderful thing, to be chosen by Yahweh.

“I’m not here to convince anyone of my lifestyle,” he said. “This is what I want for me.” But he said he doesn’t understand why someone would choose to hamper their ability to succeed by drinking and doing drugs.

Because of Jewish rock music encouraging it everywhere they look, I guess?

Hypothetically, Simmons said, if “you and I are lined up along with 10 other guys, do you think you’ll do better than the guy who is a little tipsy? Because the alcohol is not going to help him.”

He’s also critical of media outlets making alcohol appear like a health food with “red wine is good for you” stories. “People say, ‘There’s my license to drink,’” he said.

Simmons said he never wanted to dull his senses because “if you stand still, you’re losing. We have to be like sharks. Either you move through the water or you drown.”

Now you know why Jews invented capitalist globalism, goyim.

Instead of intoxicants, Simmons said his drug of choice is accomplishment.

And who else has accomplished so much with so little talent?

Only other Jews.

Must be because of Yahweh’s blessing. Or maybe their uncanny ability to manipulate goyim society using their vast ethnic networks.

For those of you who are new here (and there are a lot – thanks Hillary and Jewish media) – we don’t believe the Holocaust actually happened, because there is no evidence and the story is retarded.