Daily Slave
January 2, 2015

The disgusting pig-demon Jew Jeff Zucker, who has been running CNN since 2013, is claiming that the past year was a success for the network even though its ratings have plummeted.
Zucker has taken a news network filled with Jewish liars and propagandists and pushed even more bizarre Jewish garbage on its audience. It is no wonder that its ratings are at an all-time low. People are fed-up.
From the insane non-stop coverage of theories surrounding missing airliners to purposely agitating Blacks to riot over the Michael Brown and Eric Garner incidents, it is comical that Zucker even has a job.
CNN CEO Jeff Zucker is not letting the dwindling numbers get him down as he released a memo declaring CNN’s success for 2014, but viewership is declining. While Zucker said the station ended 2014 in its “best shape journalistically, financially and competitively,” and boasted that sister station HLN, formerly Headline News, was outperforming MSNBC, viewers of CNN in the essential demographic of 25 to 54 year olds has declined, as reported by mrc NewsBusters. Ratings hit an all time low of 516,000 viewers, with viewers in the main demographic falling to 126,000.
MSNBC is feeling pain too with a 17% loss in its viewers, totaling 590,000 with 169,000 in the demographic. Nevertheless, this wouldn’t be obvious from Zucker’s memo, which said CNN’s journalism has “defined the year” praising coverage of Ferguson, Ukraine, Kobani, North Korea, Iraq, Caracas and Liberia. He said, “CNN’s worldwide newsgathering sources and people are unmatched.” Los Angeles Times reporter, Stephen Battaglio said CNN is struggling to reach a younger audience, something that would have more appeal to advertisers.
One would think that this weasel Jew would realize that the sinking ratings must mean that the news network might want to finally start reporting the truth instead of pushing endless Marxist propaganda on their audience. Instead of that, Zucker looks like he’s going to keep pushing his subversive Jew agenda.
Zucker should be arrested and put in a prison for his anti-American, pro-Jew activities. He should consider taking a one-way trip to Tel Aviv while he still has a chance.
If there’s any good news about this story, it is that people have completely lost all trust in these Jew run cable news networks.