Jew Jake Tapper Triggered by Mention of Black-on-White Hate Crime

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2016

Jewish kike Jake Tapper got triggered by a former GOP Congressman, Jack Kingston, when he mentioned the recent incident of a Trump voter being gang attacked by primitive Negroids.

If Jews are such great allies, then why do they obviously want us all dead?

Kingston: We know in Chicago, for example, that a white Trump voted was beat up by African American men.

Tapper: Why does it matter the race of the people that beat him up?

Kingston: Because that’s what the topic is here. Just to quote: “xenophobia, homophobia, racist, and sexist.” That’s what we talked about in the last hour.

Tapper: All you had to do was say “a Trump voter was beaten up.” I don’t know why you’d mention the race.

Kingston: Because I didn’t bring it up. You guys brought it up.

Tapper: This incident in Chicago?

Kingston: Yes.

How is CNN even still on the air?

Should not the government shut them down after that Donna Brazile scandal?