Jew Jill Stein’s Recount Conspiracy has Officially Failed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2016




There goes that.

New York Times:

Pennsylvania will apparently not have a statewide recount of its votes, removing the last long-shot hope by opponents of Donald J. Trump that a review of the ballots could overturn his election as president.

In a filing on Saturday, a lawyer for Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, who began the recount bids in Pennsylvania — as well as in Michigan and Wisconsin — said “petitioners are regular citizens of ordinary means” and could not afford a $1 million bond payment that was ordered by Pennsylvania courts.

Lawyers for Pennsylvania Republicans and Mr. Trump had asked a judge on Thursday to dismiss Ms. Stein’s request, saying she had not identified any fraud or illegal activity during the Nov. 8 election.

The evidence of fraud was a claim by computer scientists that if Russia had hacked the election there would be no evidence. Thus, the evidence was that there was no evidence.

That was the actual argument.

Lawrence J. Tabas, the general counsel of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, said on Saturday that the withdrawal served as “recognition” that the Stein-led effort was “completely without merit,” and that the decision to drop the case “assures that President-elect Trump will be declared the winner by the Electoral College,” which meets on Dec. 19.

In a statement, Ms. Stein left open the possibility that she had further plans in Pennsylvania, and promised a “major announcement” on Monday morning. She criticized the $1 million bond needed to proceed with a recount.

The announcement is likely to be her purchase of a beachfront condo in Tel Aviv.



“This is yet another sign that Pennsylvania’s antiquated election law is stacked against voters,” Ms. Stein said. “We will pursue every available remedy to ensure Pennsylvanians can trust what happened in this election.”

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, trails Mr. Trump by 49,543 votes in the state, according to data from the Pennsylvania Department of State. As voting results were updated this week, Mr. Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania had shrunk by about 20,000 votes. Mrs. Clinton would have needed to be declared the winner in all three recount states to overturn the Electoral College result.

Ms. Stein has gained more traction pushing for recounts in the other two battleground states, where Mr. Trump leads by narrow margins.

Ms. Stein is funding the recount bids, having collected $6.9 million as of Saturday evening. Opponents, though, are concerned that local governments, particularly in Michigan, will end up shouldering millions of dollars in costs.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign has played a muted role in the efforts, only passively participating and paying for lawyers to be present during recounts.

Remember that I told you this wasn’t a real issue.

Also remember that infowars and Paul Joseph Watson said this was THE BIG HAPPENING.

All this was from the beginning was Jill Stein, a Jew, exploiting an emotional fragile group of people to gain millions of dollars. No one serious ever thought it was a real thing.

She’s going to clear several million dollars on this little scam.

So, there you have it.

There no longer stands any challenge to Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the throne.