Joe Scarborough has Jewish Whine Attack Live on Air, Mourning the Suffering, the Endless Suffering

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015

And now, your daily LOL.

In all honesty, Joe (as either a Jew or a Judeophile) is right to be freaked out. The walls are definitely closing in on these people. They really should have thought this thing through a little bit better. I mean, in the 1990s, they were set to go. They had the world on a silver platter.

And look at them now.


On Monday’s edition of “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough snapped when asked if House Speaker John Boehner had acted wisely in inviting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress. He scolded Democrats for their criticism of the prime minister, arguing that Netanyahu is a “spokesperson for Jews worldwide.”

When co-host Mika Brzezinski pointed out that Scarborough had actually had the opposite opinion just days before, he got nasty.

“I wouldn’t be quite so smug about mocking somebody as Jews are being gunned down in the streets of Paris and being attacked across Europe,” Scarborough said.

“I wouldn’t use that to evade the question,” responded Brzezinski. “And the question is, do you think it was a good call on Boehner’s part to invite him.”

“Benjamin Netanyahu, the people of Israel and Jews across the globe need to know that there’s at least one country, one country that understands what they’re going through, the anti-semitism they face every day and the fact that there is a country that has promised to get a nuclear bomb and wipe Israel off the face of the earth, that right now is negotiating with the United States to get that nuclear weapon that would allow it to wipe Israel off the face of the earth,” ranted Scarborough. “I know there are a lot of people out there that hate Jews, go ahead and tweet me. I know you hate Jews, I know you’re anti-semitic.”

Correction: It is unclear if Joe is actually Jew.  I was certain he was, but maybe he isn’t.  I have altered the headline.  Hard to believe a non-Jew could go into a fit like this, but who knows.  Apparently, he’s a Baptist, and they sure do love them Jews.