Jew Jon Stewart Liebowitz Makes Emergency Trump-Denouncing Visit to Steven Colbert

Daily Stormer
July 23, 2016


Apparently, Glorious Leader’s official ascent to GOP nominee for POTUS Thursday night has rattled the Jews more than anything since the 1933 Nuremberg Rally.

So how do they respond? How will they ever stop the Trump juggernaut? Nothing in the Hasbara playbook has worked thus far.

Despite calling the next President of The United States a meanie, a racist, a misogynist and an overall insensitive dude who doesn’t care enough about the Jews and won’t likely turn America into a third world cesspool worse than Brazil nearly as rapidly as planned by The Learned Elders, who are by now certain that not only will a wall be built, but also vast network of gold plated gas chambers and ovens with the nifty new infra-red convection technology.


In the face of these overwhelming odds and with the certainty that a truly great leader would almost certainly be morally obligated to stop this kosher fifth column that has been running the show here in the US for longer than most of our readers have been alive, they knew they had to pull all the stops.

So what did they do?

They called (((Jonathan Stuart Liebowitz)))!

Surely this would calm the goyim, they thought. Stuart would make them laugh at themselves and forget all this silly nonsense about taking their country back. He always knew what to say.

Unfortunately, ol’ Jon couldn’t disguise his disgust for America and the people who’s ancestors founded and built it.

Roll the video!

From The Independent:

Having been in retirement for almost a year, Jon Stewart finally returned to Late Night TV earlier to talk about the one and only, Donald Trump.

The comedian took over The Late Show with Stephen Colbert for a ten-minute segment in which he blasted the Republican candidate and Fox news presenter Sean Hannity.

Surprise, surprise.

I suppose if you call comparing someone to a weather-predicting rodent “blasting them,” then I guess that’s technically correct, but the truth is, while he did attack Trump a little, he mostly spent his time ham-handedly straw-manning him by discussing Sean Hannity instead.

Trump is hard to attack, especially in light of the fact that lately you can’t turn on the news two days in a row without seeing coverage of a BLM dindu shooting some allegedly rayciss cops, followed the next day by some rabid Islamist running down some White people in an ice cream truck, followed the day after that by another BLM dindu shooting some more allegedly rayciss cops, followed on yet the next day after that by another rabid Islamist shooting up a McDonald’s, repeated ad infinitum.

Suddenly, Trump’s “dark vision” of America (and The West in general), articulated in his keynote address, seems way less dark and way more dank.

So the only thing to do is to try and smear Trump by attacking Hannity and other partisan political media operatives.

Stewart: The Republicans appear to have a very clear plan for America, and they’ve articulated it throughout the convention. One, jail your political opponent. Two, inject Rudy Giuliani with a speedball and Red Bull enema. Three, spend the rest of the time scaring the holy bejeezus out of everybody.

Hell yeah!

Sounds like a great plan!

But I’m not interested in that. I’m actually interested in gymnastics.

With the Rio Olympics coming up, I’m enjoying the gymnastics portion of the program that’s about to occur. That would be the contortions that many conservatives will now have to do, to embrace Donald… J. Trump, a man who clearly embodies the things that they have, for years, said that they have hated about Barack Obama.

(Clip of Fox News presenters calling Barak Obama thin-skinned, straightforwardly authoritarian, and a raging narcissistic who has no grip on reality.)

Yes. A thin-skinned narcissist with no government experience. Yes, that sounds exactly like… Barack Obama. So now the right-wing media’s going to have to spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week, justifying this choice they’ve made. Can they make the turn?

Ayo, hol’ up there, Jon! Nobody said Obama didn’t have “government experience,” they said he had NO EXPERIENCE, and they’re right. He was an affirmative action baby from the cradle to the White House.

What did he ever actually do before becoming the African Dictator of America? Community organizing and being a Chicago politician who rarely showed up and refused to actually vote on anything, basically.

Trump has plenty of experience, just not the “Hey, let’s see how fast we can destroy the USA” kind of experience that we’ve had shoved down our throats forever. That’s actually a good thing. That’s why he can never be stumped!

(Clips of Hannity calling Obama the most divisive president in history, bringing up black vs white, racial lines)

Cats versus dogs! Batman versus Superman!

(Photographs of Taylor Swift, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.)

That one against the other two! I’ve been out of the business a while, I don’t know what that is. If you don’t like divisiveness, what about when Trump suggested Mexico is sending us their rapists?

Yeah, what about it? It certainly appears to be true, but never fear Jon, Mexico will still have plenty of rapists, since Mexico is still full of Mexicans!

Yeah, you elitist! You probably eat that burger with your mouth instead of acting like a real American and having a Magnum fire it up your ass. Like they serve them at Arby’s. That’s how they serve them, actually, at Arby’s, they shoot them right up your ass. Meanwhile, here’s how Lumpy feels about the guy who sits in a literal golden throne at the top of a golden tower with his name in gold letters at the top of it, eating pizza with a knife and fork. How do you feel about that guy?

LOLWUT?!? If you’re gonna tell me Jewish Nervous Disorder is not a thing, I’ll forever refer you to that insane paragraph.

And what in the world could have gotten Stewart/Liebowitz so riled up at Trump in the first place?

Oh yeah, he named the Jew (sort of ).


Then as he wound up this marathon of insane gibberish, Stewart put the pedal to the metal and showed us all what we’re supposed to believe about ourselves, our souls, our country, and it’s founders.

There’s only one problem with that. This country isn’t yours. You don’t own it. It never was. There is no real America. You don’t own it. You don’t own patriotism. You don’t own Christianity. You sure as hell don’t own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of military, police and firefighters.

So I see you. You’ve got a problem with those Americans fighting for their place at the table. You’ve got a problem with that because you feel like — what’s Representative Steve King’s word for it? Subgroups of Americans are being divisive. Well, if you have a problem with that, take it up with the founders. We hold these truths to be self-evident. [Singing.] “That all men are created equal.”

I actually did take it up with the founders. As a matter of fact, I took it up with the founder that wrote the passage you quoted. That would be Thomas Jefferson.


[Editor’s note: I’m gonna predict this appearance by Stewart is a signal he’s getting back in the game to try and stump the Trump. He was a very powerful Jew, beloved by a generation of stupid goyim, and he is, I’m sure, viewed as a great asset against Trump. I don’t know how he could take back his old Daily Show from the Black guy, because that would perhaps be racist. But I predict he’s going to set something up where he’s on TV regularly. -AA]