Jew Kurt Eichenwald Hunting Down Shitposter @jew_goldstein for Giving Him a Seizure

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2016

wew lads.

Yesterday, I was perusing the DS BBS (which we now cleverly call /ds/) and I found a link to this tweet from Jew Kurt Eichenwald.

The tweet was in response to a tweet by @jew_goldstein which contained a seizure-causing gif.


That is a screenshot, but the original gif was rapidly blinking.

(For those unawares, people who are prone to epileptic seizures can have them triggered by blinking gifs.)

When I saw the “this is his wife” tweet, I was like “oh wow, we’ve got a funny Jew on our hands here.” Because that would have been a genuinely funny tweet.

But then I googled him and found this article from Newsweek back in October where he talks about a Trump-supporter triggering his epilepsy with a Pepe gif.

In his tweet, which has since been deleted, Mike made mention of my seizures and included a small video. It contained images of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon character that has been identified by the Anti-Defamation League as a hate symbol. I was carrying my iPad, looking at the still image on the video and, without thinking, touched the PLAY button.

The video was some sort of strobe light, with flashing circles and images of Pepe flying toward the screen. It’s what’s called epileptogenic—something that triggers seizures. Fortunately, since I was standing, I simply dropped my iPad to the ground the second I realized what Mike had done. It landed face down on the bathroom floor.

The deplorables are real. The deplorables are dangerous.

And so then I was like LOL.

I don’t know why I never heard about this event back in October. I also don’t know how it’s possible no one has done this to him again since.

Anyway – he’s now hunting down @jew_goldstein and trying to charge him with assault for posting the gif.

So Eichenwald is launching an international legal crusade against @jew_goldberg.

That’s very funny.

The situation happened when the stupid Jew was engaging Trump-supporters after having gotten BTFO by Tucker Carlson.

The Jew Eichenwald is a seriously scummy Jew, who got caught spending thousands of dollar on kiddie porn and then told the court it was for a research article for the New York Times.