Jew Kushner’s Top Secret Clearance Revoked!

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2017

His security clearance is a good start. Next, we need to revoke his American citizenship.

Jared Kushner has been a thorn in the Trump administration’s side since the beginning. He’s been relentless in pushing Jew neocon foreign policy as well as liberal social positions.

I guess Bannon the Gray didn’t make it against the Balrog in this timeline, huh…

I wouldn’t even be surprised if he was the source of some of these leaks. Any reduction in his power and influence is definitively a good sign.


Jared Kushner, who has worn dueling hats for more than a year as President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law, has been stripped of his access to the nation’s top secrets, officials said Tuesday after his security clearance was downgraded.

Kushner, along with other White House officials who had been operating on interim clearances, had their access altered last week after chief of staff John Kelly stipulated new changes to the security clearance system.

No one with a foreign citizenship should be granted access to our national secrets.

And all European-style socialists like Kushner have a de-facto Israeli citizenship.

Don’t worry goyim, your secrets are safe with me!

Aides who previously operated on “top secret” interim clearances saw their access changed to “secret,” a classification for less sensitive material.

Dozens of White House officials have operated on interim clearances since President Donald Trump took office more than a year ago. Kelly had grown frustrated with the high number of aides without permanent access and has worked to shrink the number of temporary clearances. He issued a memo last week spelling out changes to the system, which gained new scrutiny after domestic abuse allegations against former aide Rob Porter surfaced this month.

In the February 16 memo, Kelly stated that White House officials who have been operating on interim clearances since last June would have their temporary clearances discontinued.

That included Kushner, the President’s son-in-law and senior adviser. Asked on Friday whether he would grant Kushner an exemption from the new mandate, Trump said it would be Kelly’s decision.

It would have looked really bad to just directly revoke Kushner’s clearance, so taking it away along with a bunch of others makes sense. Delegating the responsibility to Kelly also clears Trump from directly owning the move. But if I had to guess, I’d say Trump probably has been aiming to isolate Kushner and distance himself from him and his terrible advice for a long time.

Hopefully, this is an indication that Kushner no longer has any meaningful influence over Trump, and is merely seen as a liability.