Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2015

The popular Jewish snake and Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is again making news after having published an op-ed in The Guardian – which is an extract from his new book “How I Stopped Being a Jew” – declaring that he is no longer a Jew because he says he isn’t one.
He is taking a hard Marxist position, and decrying the ethnocentric extremism of the tribal Jew.
“I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew,” the snake writes. Though what he considers himself is not of any concern. I might want to start considering myself a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (I actually do want to do that) but I will not turn green and grow a shell. Even if I write a book about how I became I TMNT, I will still be human.

So is it with this Jew.
Sand, who has previously pushed the Jew lie that Jews are secretly Khazars, states the obvious fact that Jewistan is “one of the most racist societies in the western world, referencing its legal status as a genetically exclusive state. “Racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws,” he says.
He then whines about the Palestinians, blaming the concept of the Jew race for the oppression without stating that no other group on earth that considers itself a race insists on engaging in an ongoing campaign of genocide against their neighbors in this modern age. Even the Chinese in their conquest of Tibet have taken the position of encouraging intermarriage as a soft-kill method for the religious ethnic Tibetans.
Sand then admits that he is fully orientated as a Jew. “The language in which I speak, write and dream is overwhelmingly Hebrew,” he says. “When I am far from Israel, I see my street corner in Tel Aviv and look forward to the moment I can return to it… when I visit the teeming Paris bookstores, what comes to my mind is the Hebrew book week organized each year in Israel.”
What is a Jew?
I have been meaning to write something long about what a Jew is, because it is somewhat complicated these days.
If we ask “are the Jews a race?” we get the short answer “yes” and the long answer “no, not really.”

They are a genetically linked ethnic group which shares ancestry, but there is not enough homogeneity for them to fit the classic definition of a race. They are also mixed from all different races. This is what Sand picks up on and tries to use to say “there is no such thing as a Jew.”
The easiest way to describe them with full accuracy is as a breeding program. Going back to the Middle East, they might have at some point been a real racial group, but what they did was purposefully mix their blood with anyone who fit into their mindset, and then continually breed among those mixed groups. German Jews are the most assimilated of all Jew populations because they have the highest percentage of European blood, but they remain Jews, with hardwired Jew behavior patterns.
At some point, enough intermixing with the goyim would probably remove these behavior patterns, but it isn’t clear at what point that happens. I think that someone who is 1/4th Jewish, if it is German Jew to begin with, is unlikely to exhibit Jewish behavior patterns. I am not certain what the best way to deal with part Jews who do not identify as Jew is. The NSDAP’s Mischling Test system was good at the time, but is probably out of date given the state of genetic science. It is worth remembering that Hitler did issue Aryanization certificates to some part-Jews, and many of these fought in the German army and there is no evidence they ever did anything to betray the Reich.

However, at present, it probably makes the most sense to consider anyone who has more than one great-grandparent who is Jew as a biological Jew needing to be repatriated to Jewistan – or develop genetic tests to determine what specifically makes a Jew engage in Jew behavior and accept or eject them based on that.
Another Point of Consideration
Traditionally, it was the Jew religion that held the whole thing together. Now, they have dumped their religion, so their whole status is unclear, and they seem to be collapsing as a cohesive group. That is why you get people like Sand attacking their own with this sort of crap. It is Jew-level dishonesty and perversion, but it is also an attack on the collective of Jews.
We are seeing more and more of this, because of the loss of the religion. The religion was always nothing more than a way to keep their race cohesive and promote their racial agenda; they are not a spiritual people. Without the religion, we see confusion, where they are incapable of agreeing with each other, and we see more Jews going rogue, attacking other Jews because they’ve adopted a value system initially only meant to confuse the goyim.