Jew Lord Bibi Mulls Invading Gaza as Trump Fondly Fondles His Balls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2019

“Is Little Bibi doing okay? Just let me know if you want me to deepthroat it again in front of these thousands of people and on television.” 

An emboldened Jew terrorist, Bibi Netanyahu, is bombing Gaza and considering invading the place to slaughter the stupid innocent sandniggers who didn’t do anything other than have their land stolen by filthy sneaky Jews.


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said the Israeli military may launch a full-scale offensive on Gaza in response to missile strikes into its territory, which intensified on Monday, prompting massive retaliatory fire from Israel.

Netanyahu, who was supposed to speak at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference on Tuesday, wrapped up his visit to Washington early due to the reports of rockets being launched from Hamas-controlled Gaza into Israel.

As he was boarding a plane back to Israel on Monday, the Israeli PM made a thinly-veiled threat to stage a full-fledged invasion of Gaza.

“We gave a very, very strong response, and Hamas needs to know that we will not hesitate to enter and do all the necessary steps,” he said.

This punitive invasion thing happens every couple of years.

It’s not really good PR for Jews. I’m not sure they understand just how much heat they’re getting these days in the West.

People are sick of them slaughtering these stupid innocent sandniggers and creating global crises. And more and more, people are talking about it openly. The fact that Bibi has tied his hook-nosed camel to the abominable Doland Blormf doesn’t help his PR strategy any, I’ll tell you.

Meanwhile, Trump has continued to give a rapid-fire blowjob to the Jew menace, behaving now like a parody of a kikesucking shill.

The fat, confused old fuck gave a sickening joint press conference with Bibi at the White House on Monday before Bibi got on his jet to go slaughter Palestinians.

It’s just absolutely shocking to watch this man lay down like this in front of the Jews – while also abandoning any mention of doing anything for the people who fought so hard for him.

Mike Pence went to AIPAC Monday to film a homosexual BDSM porno with the Jews.

He attacked Democrats for being against the Jews.

On the same stage, Chuck Schumer – known as “The Guardian of Israel” – attacked Republicans and Trump for being against Jews. Even though that is insane, and Trump is literally the most kiked US president ever.

The Guardian vowed that the Democrat Party will always put Israel before America, no matter what, and attacked the brightest bulb in the shed, Ilhan Omar, for her refusal to get reamed by Jews.

Ohhhhh boy.

White people and their interests aren’t even vaguely hinted at in this country anymore.

It’s all just – “I’ll suck the Jews so hard my eyes bulge out! No, I’ll suck them even harder! You don’t even suck the Jews! You’re not sucking the Jews hard enough, you must suck harder! Look at that guy over there – he’s barely even sucking the Jews!”

It’s phenomenal.

Meanwhile, in the EASTERN EMPIRE, word is that Trump’s decision to order the world to recognize Jew control over the Golan Heights is going to start a world war.


The US decision to recognize the Golan Heights as Israel’s territory was taken bypassing the UN Security Council and ignoring the UN dialogue on the issue, said Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia’s Lower House.

“All members of the international community should voice their stand on the matter,” he said during the meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun.

Such a development could lead to a situation where “everyone is fighting each other,” he stressed. “The rule of force would dominate. This is a highway to war.”

It’s a highway to something.

At the very least, it’s a highway to the Danger Zone.

But it could be… you know.

What it feels like is that the Boomers sold their souls for their apocalypse fantasy, and that it’s actually going to happen.

They even say that Russia will be the one defending Arabs against being slaughtered by Jews.

I just…

I just can’t even.

What is going on here?

How did this all just start happening so quickly, and now we’re just bowing down and giving the Jews all of this apocalypse fuel?