Jew-Loving Libertardian Nutjob Rand Paul Scolded for Telling Blacks the Cops are Involved in a Conspiracy Against Them

Daily Stormer
August 21, 2014

Rand Paul recently travelled to Jewistan to pray to Yahweh that Blacks successfully burn down every city in America
Rand Paul recently travelled to Jewistan to pray to Yahweh that Blacks successfully burn down every city in America

The Jew-loving libertarian scumbag and whacked-out nutjob Rand Paul has been scolded by Black radio host Larry Elder for inciting Blacks to riot more by claiming that cops are involved in a conspiracy against them.

This is equivalent to telling a five-year-old that there is a monster in his closet planning to eat him and the only solution is to steal his dad’s handgun and start firing it at the closet door. It is a lunatic level of irresponsibility to purposefully incite Blacks to riot in America.

Don't Derp Me, Bro: Rand Paul is an unhinged lunatic who needs to be arrested immediately by Federal agents.
Don’t Derp Me, Rand – Don’t You Ever Derp Me: Rand Paul is an unhinged lunatic who needs to be arrested immediately by Federal agents.

This is the exact same thing the Fatman is doing – trying to start a nationwide race war.


On Tuesday’s The Laura Ingraham Show, Elder, after saying that he was as libertarian as Paul but disagreed with his foreign policy views, said of Paul’s recent inclusion efforts, “I get the idea of making sure the Republican party is embracing black people and trying to attract black people, and he is coming to the inner city and giving speeches to the degree that most prospective republican nominees would never do.”

“I get all that, but to lend fuel to this notion that ‘cops are out to get us’ is undermining the very effort,” Elder said, noting that after George Zimmerman was acquitted, Jesse Jackson said, “blacks are under attack.”

Elder asked, “by whom?” He pointed out that there are “7,000 black homicides last year, almost all of them at the hands of another black person.” He said that in Chicago, there are at least ten homicides a week – “almost all of them unsolved.”

“Now, where are all the cameras? Where’s Don Lemon? Where’s CNN? Where’s Al? Where’s Jesse?” he said. “And Chicago is Obama’s adopted hometown for crying out loud. That’s a real issue.”

In a Time op-ed last week after the Ferguson riots, Paul said that “it is almost impossible for many Americans not to feel like their government is targeting them,” and “given the racial disparities in our criminal justice system, it is impossible for African-Americans not to feel like their government is particularly targeting them.”

“Anyone who thinks that race does not still, even if inadvertently, skew the application of criminal justice in this country is just not paying close enough attention,” he argued. “Our prisons are full of black and brown men and women who are serving inappropriately long and harsh sentences for non-violent mistakes in their youth.”

Elder is an intelligent Black who is able to comprehend that Blacks rioting only makes White Americans hate Blacks, putting assimilationist Blacks such as him in a very uncomfortable position. A former Bush speechwriter also rightfully called out Paul for inciting riots.

Here is the Time op-ed, where the idiot libertarian encourages Blacks to riot against the police and burn everything for freedom, because the government is evil – unless it is the government of Israel, right Rand? Then they need trillions for their death machine. Right Rand? You sickening shill rat?

"We bee nees dem freedumz, nigga!  Alex Jones b r leeder na nigga!  Helter Skelter!" -Typical Black Rioter
“We bee nees dem freedumz, nigga! Alex Jones b r leeder na nigga! Helter Skelter!” -Typical Black Rioter

One of the good things about Rand’s father, Best Paul, was that he was willing to publish racist newsletters saying that Blacks do nothing but riot and leech off of White people.

Clearly, both Rand Paul and Alex Jones should be arrested for these purposeful attempts to start race war in America as well as their ongoing support of funnelling American tax dollars into international Jewish terrorism programs.