Jew Media Celebrates Removed Kebab Gang Member as a Hero

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2015

Swede Vader (Anton Lundin-Petterson)
Swede Vader (Anton Lundin-Petterson)

Originally it was reported that the kebab Lavin Eskandar, removed by Darth Vader (Anton Lundin-Pettersson), was immediately sliced as soon as he told Vader to leave the school.

The Jew media and Swede-cuck cops have now sexed-up that story, and claimed that the emo-kebab faggot was a real Swedish hero, and gave his life trying to protect innocent darlings.

Washington Post:

What’s notable in the response to the attack is how much attention is being paid to his first victim, Lavin Eskandar, a 20-year-old teaching assistant at the school.

“He’s a hero,” one student who escaped the attack told Expressen newspaper.

According to number of eyewitness accounts, Eskandar had been in the school’s cafeteria when the attack began. Eskandar stepped in to try to protect the students at the school, which teaches children as young as 6. He was stabbed by the attacker as he tried to overpower him, and died at the scene.

See there. They admit he was the first victim, then say that the attack had already began when the kebab approached Vader. How had the attack began if there were no victims?

The initial story makes much more sense – that the kebab went up to him to tell him to leave because he wasn’t permitted to be inside a school (possibly leaving the cafeteria to go do so) and immediately got sliced.

Going to tell someone who doesn’t have permission to be in the school to leave, when you have no idea he may be dangerous and no reason to think he is, is not heroism.

Two students and one teacher were also seriously wounded in the attack before police arrived. One of the students, Ahmed Hassan, later died of his wounds. The 15-year-old had been born in Somalia and moved to Sweden three years ago, the Guardian reports.

They are doing a Trayvon on Ahmed Hassan.

Here is the picture they are showing:

Ahmed Hassan

He is obviously like 10 in that picture.

The media used child pictures of Trayvon (center) instead of current pictures, when portraying him as a "murdered child."
The media used child pictures of Trayvon (center) instead of recent pictures (left and right), when portraying him as a “murdered child.”

And Washington Post is still reporting he is 15, even while The Guardian was forced to alter the story and give his real age, which is 17.

Thanks, Guardian.
Thanks, Guardian.

Was it an accident that they gave an age two years younger? Maybe. But why is The Washington Post not correcting their article? And why are we only seeing this child photo, when in this day and age everyone is having pictures of them taken constantly?

Was Hassan thugged-out like Eskandar?

In an interview with Expressen, Eskandar’s older sibling said that his brother’s attempt to protect others was typical of him.

All I know is that he cared about others and not himself, and that he was trying to protect children,” Leith Eskandar said. Others who knew him pointed to his success in creating music and video production. “He was too young to die,” one friend told Afternposten.

Eskandar’s death has made a national impact. William Spetz, a popular Swedish actor, took to Facebook to pay tribute to the young man. “You were a year older than I am [and] you also liked to make movies,” he wrote, “but Lavin, I don’t know if I’d have the guts to do what you did. You are a hero and I wish I could say that to you for real.” Spetz’s post has been liked more than 220,000 times and shared more than 43,000 times.

Eskandar’s actions have earned him praise not just in Sweden but internationally. A photograph of Eskandar was shared on one of Reddit’s most popular sub-verticals, with hundreds of users offering praise in comments. “I can’t imagine ever being able to have the presence of mind to do what he did,” one user wrote.

A number of Kurdish publications have picked up the story of his bravery, noting that a number of reports have suggested Eskandar came from an Iraqi Kurdish background. “As a Kurd, I am certainly very proud of his work and his attempts to save other people,” Pirshang Tiwana, an Iraqi Kurd and a board member of the Federation of Kurdish Associations in Sweden (FKKS), told Rudaw Media Network, a media group headquartered in Iraq.

Touching. But again, all of this is suggesting that he stepped in during the attack, even though that makes no sense in the context of the situation.

Note that there is no report of any type of struggle Eskandar was involved in, and the only way I can picture there not being some struggle is if kebab was sliced by surprise. Just play it out in your head – if you are going to try and take down a guy in the middle of a sword attack, you’re going to tackle him, right?

Here is the initial report (actually a day after the event), also from The Washington Post:

Police said the attacker entered the school through a cafe lobby that is open to the public before knocking on classroom doors. Eventually, the 20-year-old teacher opened a door to tell the masked man to leave.

“You are scaring the children, get away from here,” the teacher said, according to Sara, the student.

The masked man “nodded, then he plunged the knife into the teacher’s right side,” Sara told SVT. “The last thing I heard him say was ‘call an ambulance.’”

So this indicates very clearly that he didn’t sense danger, because unlike in the Post’s later articles, we see that no attack had begun. Eskandar just wanted to tell Petterson to leave, and was surprise sliced. And his last words were not “run to safety children,” but a call for people to help him.

This is not heroism, it is just getting killed. Dying does not automatically make someone a hero.

What the media is not mentioning about the removed kebab Eskandar is that he was in a gang. His instagram is full of pictures of him throwing up gang-signs, indicating at the very least he had “gang affiliations.”

Lavin Eskandar 4 Lavin Eskandar 3 Lavin Eskandar 2 Lavin Eskandar 1

That last one especially – what are we to believe is going on there?

There is also an image of him making the jihadi “number one” hand sign (while I think holding a can of Tab, roflmao).

Lavin Eskandar muslim jihad
Lavin Eskandar

It seems to me that this is at the very least interesting information, which the people have a right to consider.

And yet, I guarantee that no media outlet other than the Daily Stormer (and perhaps some of our friends) will be reporting it. It isn’t simply the mainstream Jew media that will avoid it, as they push nonsense fantasies about how this kebab was a grand heroic figure, but the alternative/right wing media as well.

The latter won’t report it because they are cuckolded, and even if they are willing to question the invasion, they won’t dare do anything but try to distance themselves from Swede Vader, remover of kebab, or even begin to suggest that the kebab indeed deserved to die – or that Petterson appears to have purposefully avoided targeting children.

By the way – just for the record here – even while the media continually reports on things we say on this website, none have reported on my coverage of the Vader attack.