Jew Media Deplores Trump Jr.’s Holocaust of Skittles

Daily Stormer
September 20, 2016

When the Jews put a pack of apes in suits to call you “ignorant,” you know you’ve hit a nerve!

Certain people just can’t handle the truth. They are known as “stupid people.”

The Jews depend on their media’s ability to cultivate good goy opinions among these ignoramuses. Without them and their votes, democracy isn’t nearly so deadly a weapon as they like.

So they constantly create fake outrages. Case in point: Trump Jr’s skittles tweet.

Perfectly reasonable, if you asked me, and personally, I think 3 Skittles in the bowl is an outrageously charitable underestimate. So, in the midst of all these stabbings and explosions happening courtesy of your freshly-minted American Kebabs, what is the most riveting story (according to the MSM) concerning the current presidential race?


Taste The Outrage: Donald Trump Jr.’s Tweet Compares Refugees To Skittles

Social media have become home to two things in recent years: memes and public shaming.

Dear God, help us!

Both came into play Monday night when Donald Trump Jr. tweeted an image of a bowl of Skittles, comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned candy. “If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you three would kill you, would you take a handful?” the meme asks. “That’s our Syrian refugee problem.”

And of course, this set the stupid liberals into a frenzy of outrage and apologizing, just like we see everywhere in the West every time something or someone explodes,or gets stabbed in a mass knife attack. They even have a hashtag currently trending on Twitter: #SkittlesWelcome.

Now, what I’d like to know is this: If comparing people to candy is really so awful, then why didn’t we ever hear about this little bit of dehumanizing dog-whistling, i.e. comparing men to M&Ms?

So it’s racist and intolerant to compare insanely violent hajis to skittles, but it’s perfectly okay to compare M&Ms to all men, and not only that, to infer that 10% of the male sex are rapists?


Got hypocrisy?

It must be due to this country’s history of oppression and exclusion surrounding these fruit flavored chemical globules.


All he wanted was to be a good boy and taste the rainbow!

Still, the potential danger posed by Syrian refugees has been a central theme of the Trump campaign. Trump regularly warns that refugees could be a “Trojan horse,” entering the country with the goal of later attacking it.

Trump has called, at varying points, to end all immigration by Muslims, from countries with a high risk of terrorism and from countries without proper screening methods. (Trump’s campaign has not clarified which countries fit the second two criteria.)

At a Florida rally Monday afternoon, Trump recited the lyrics of a jazz song called “The Snake,” something he’s done several times before, to underscore his worries.

We’re supposed to ignore all the things we see with our own eyes. We’re supposed to discount what the Islamists themselves tell us every chance they get.

We’re supposed to keep importing them into our countries until we’re all forced to convert to Islam or die.

So there you have it. This non-story is dominating the news cycle in the wake of a weekend of Islamic terror occurring right here at home. At least the media has their priorities right. What difference does it make if our world is turned upside down on a daily basis, what really matters is the terrorist’s feelings.