Jew Media Forced to Admit The Donald will Likely Win Nomination

Daily Stormer
December 1, 2015


Just like with Hitler, the media laughed.

Well, they’re not laughing anymore.


By conventional political wisdom, Donald Trump should be a presidential has-been by now.

But two weeks ahead of the final Republican debate of the year and two months before the first votes of the primary season are cast, Trump’s rambunctious presidential campaign is thriving.

Controversies and outrages that would topple ordinary political candidates leave Trump without a scratch. In fact, the Republican front-runner seems to be deliberately stoking the outrage among his supporters that sustains his campaign — whether it’s by embracing unsubstantiated claims that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered the fiery collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, or by advancing his disputed charge that the Obama administration wants to ship 200,000 Syrian refugees to the United States who could include terrorists.

In a season of political anger, a pundit-confounding, anti-establishment wave has lifted political newcomers like Trump and left conventional candidates like Jeb Bush and John Kasich floundering. And, in the absence of a unified GOP establishment opposition, the fractured, bloated GOP field gives Trump a real chance of capturing early voting contests that are the gateway to a sustained bid for the nomination.

‘Surprise people’

“I think he is going to continue to surprise people,” said Bill Miller, a veteran Republican political consultant from Texas.

“The question about Trump is: Can he go the distance? We will see. But I would not sell him short,” said Miller, who believes the tumultuous Republican race could go all the way to the party’s national convention in Cleveland next July.

Should Trump manage to rack up multiple primary wins and hundreds of delegates, the 2016 election would recast long-held conventions of the rhythms of presidential nominating contests and could even reshape American politics itself.

Pundits, GOP party officials and campaign reporters have for months expected the surge of the anti-politicians to crest and for traditional hopefuls to rise to the top of the polls, a pattern familiar from previous campaigns.

Vegas odds still put Rubio before Trump. But not by much.


We may yet see a troll in office. And he may save us from ultimate destruction.

Anyway, even if that doesn’t happen, ultimate destruction won’t be the worst thing ever.