Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2015

Following the latest publicly exposed felony committed by Hillary Clinton, that of committing perjury by submitting a false statement to a federal court while under oath, the Jewish Media is officially promoting Joe “The Feeler” Biden as the best solution to the Presidential problem.

Granted, these are all citing the the same poll, but the media is being flooded with this single poll, but we saw this same technique used against Trump a few days ago: find a single poll that proves the point you want to make and then blow it up all over the media. And all of these articles from the Jews are like “well he’d better run then!”
These are all from the last 24 hours, when the news about Hillary’s perjury broke.
In other Biden news is a big hoopla about how Biden will be allowed in the CNN debate, even if he declares he’s running just minutes before it starts.
I think Hillary is officially out.
And if we can just get The Donald past these cucks…