Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2015

A ratlike Jewish weasel, Richard Cohen, has written up a bizarre op-ed in the Washington Post attacking anyone who questions the feelings of Michelle Obama entitled “Michelle Obama, criticized for the sin of being black.”
During a speech made at a museum, evolutionary throwback Michelle Obama made the hilarious claim that museums were intimidating and alienating to Negroes, because she feels uncomfortable in museums, and that this means America is racist.

Many in the media lol’d, others were outraged.
Luckily, the Jews came to her defense.

Responding to those who criticized the whinging weirdness, the esteemed mustela Cohen informs the stupid goyim:
When the first lady of the United States suggests that something’s wrong when black and other minority children feel alienated from an institution like the Whitney Museum of American Art, maybe she has reason for saying so. In fact, she was talking out of experience.
Ian Tuttle, writing in the National Review, offers the following in response to Mr. Jew (though the National Review will never mention the word “Jew,” ever, even while most of the people they are responding to are Jews):
Our unthinking obeisance to the authority of personal experience has real and alarming consequences — as we see at college campuses everywhere. At Columbia University, sexual-assault accusations against Paul Nungesser were dismissed by the college after thorough investigation on three separate occasions. Media investigations and a lawsuit against the university on Nungesser’s behalf present overwhelming evidence that he did not commit rape.
And yet his accuser, Emma Sulkowicz — who garnered fame by hauling her mattress around the Manhattan campus to protest against her alleged rapist — has been feted by women’s organizations and celebrated by New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand for her “courage.” Much the same could be said about “Jackie,” the pseudonymous subject of Rolling Stone’s debunked story “A Rape on Campus,” whose claims, at least initially, were not subject to dispute.
In matters of race and sex, inner experience has become the arbiter of outer reality. I feel it, therefore it is.
But societies that do not want to be tossed about by every whim and fancy must maintain at least some skepticism of the degree to which private experiences indicate public realities.
Quite well stated – and crucial.
Feminism and the feminization of males has led to an entire society which runs on feelings. Feelings override objective reality in virtually every situation.
Masculine Question: Third world countries are third world countries because they are inhabited by third world people, first world countries are first world countries because they are inhabited by first world people. Won’t unlimited numbers of third world immigrants cause the first world to become progressively more like the third world?
Feminine Answer: Their countries are poor because we did something to them somehow, maybe hundreds of years ago or whatever! Why do you hate them??? Why do you want them to suffer! You hate the color of their skin! Once they have the education system, they’ll integrate!
Masculine Question: But if they are the same as us, why is it our job to educate them? Why don’t they use the internet to create their own education system? Why did they never invent their own education system in the first place?
Feminine Answer: They can’t invent an education system because they are too busy being oppressed! Colonialism! We took everything from them! We enslaved everyone!
Masculine Question: After watching Blacks destroy every nation they have ever inhabited over the last 200 years, shouldn’t we consider the possibility that they are biologically different from us in a way that makes them incompatible with technological Western civilization?
Feminine Answer: That is pure racism! The only difference is the color of their skin! The only reason they behave differently is because racist White people refused to give them a proper education!
Masculine Question: Blacks have the same educational opportunities as everyone else in America. More, in fact. Isn’t it conceivable that these people who have a completely different physiology than us also have different brains? Could there not be a connection between their low IQs and their inability to adapt to White civilization?
Feminine Answer: This is hate, you inbred redneck KKK bastard! They don’t have the same education because the entire system is racist against them! It doesn’t matter if they go to the same schools, all of the teachers treat them differently because of the color of their skin! IQ was invented by Whites and is a part of a racist plot! They are exactly the same!
Masculine Question: Doesn’t the success of Asians in Western society completely disprove the theory that the failures of non-White, non-Asian peoples is the result of some vague and obscure White racist conspiracy?
Feminine Answer: Why you hate-filled inbred supremacist bastard! You must have a tiny penis! I’ll bet you are still a virgin! You must go to prison (in Europe) or have your career destroyed (in America) for asking a question that causes me to feel the feelings I am feeling right now!
…and so on.
Masculinity is logic, feminity is emotion. We live in a feminine society. The only one which has ever existed in history, in fact – excluding possibly Rome before the Germans conquered it.
In our society, everything is about what feels good. Never objective reality.
Until we free ourselves from the emotion-driven feminist society, we have no hope at all of fixing anything.