Correction: This article was not written by Jonah Goldberg, it was written by some other Jew Goldberg named Joshua. Anyway, they are apparently basically the same people.
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2014

Joshua Goldberg (not the above pictured Jonah Goldberg) has written a blog, reposted over at Thought Catalog, mourning the fact that vicious Social Justice Warriors are creating a generation of fascists. The whole thing is well worth reading, if only for the lolzy screens.

After doing a pretty decent job in outlining the whole SJW mindset (from a “moderate liberal” perspective, mind you) epitomized on Tumblr, and mentioning both /pol/ and Stormfront, he closes with this:
Finally, what SJWs do not realize is that they are single-handedly cultivating a generation of fascists. The more extreme the left becomes, the more right-wing and reactionary people will become as a result. It happened in the 1980s as a response to the left being overwhelmed with hippies and it will happen again in the future as a response to the left being overwhelmed with SJWs – only, this time, the right-wing will be far more extreme than the likes of Ronald Reagan. SJWs are paving the way for a future dominated by far-right extremists. These so-called advocates of “social justice” are the best gift that neo-Nazis could have possibly asked for: the most extreme and unpleasant aspects of the far-left amplified for all the world to see. The more absurd and outrageous SJWs become, the more the far-right gains support and sympathy. If SJWs think that they’re “oppressed” right now… well, they had better be prepared for the future that they’re helping to create.
There is a lot of truth there. At least I hope there is.
However, the Jew lie which goes through the entire article is that this is somehow “not real liberalism.” In reality, it is the obvious conclusion of liberalism, which was always Marxism, which was always about destruction of the great for the benefit of the weak.
There is nowhere else this could have ended up, and there was never a solution to Marxism other than us.
I am overjoyed that it is finally happening. We are justified.