Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2014

I think Sterling really upset the Jews with his racist Jew rant.
But come on. It was a private conversation.
I now find myself feeling almost sorry for the Jew Sterling.
Seriously though – no I don’t.
I’m loving this.
From Fox:
The NBA threw the book at LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, banning him for life, fining him $2.5 million and raising the possibility of a forced sale of the team over racist remarks he made to an ex-girlfriend that surfaced on a tape recording.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver made the announcement at a New York press conference moments after Sterling told Fox News that he was not interested in selling the team. When reached after the press conference by Fox News’ Jim Gray, Sterling declined to comment.
Silver, who succeeded David Stern as NBA commissioner in February, said the league interviewed Sterling during its investigation. He said NBA investigators determined that the voice heard on the audio tape obtained by TMZ was Sterling’s and called the comments “deeply offensive” and vowed to “do everything in my power” to force a sale of the team, which could be worth more than $500 million.
Silver succeeded Stern, eh? It is a terrible thing, this NBA with all of its black mules being totally controlled by White men.
Why should something called the Negro Ball-chuckers of America (NBA) be controlled by White people like Silver, Sterling and Stern?
These White people like Silver, Sterling and Stern are everywhere, controlling all of the institutions, controlling all the poor oppressed colored folks, stopping them from getting ahead.
If I were the coloreds, I would be really upset about these Whites like Silver, Sterling and Stern controlling all of my balls.