Jew NGO Accuses Cyprus, Lebanon of Denying Invaders the Human Right to Live on Welfare in Europe

We are all humans.

And that means we all have a right to live on welfare in Europe.

Unless you’re white. White people are not even human.

Not after what they did in the Holocaust. They gave up their humanity when they forced those Jews to climb trees and pretend to be roosters until they fell out of the trees to their deaths.

The Independent:

European aid sent to Lebanon in an attempt to regulate migration by sea is funding practices that violate human rights, according to a global watchdog report published Wednesday.

As part of a policy to contain migration, authorities in Cyprus have physically pushed Syrian refugees back to Lebanon, and Lebanese security agencies have deported them, the Human Rights Watch report said.

The report, based on interviews with 16 Syrians who tried to leave Lebanon via smuggler boats, found that 15 of them “suffered human rights violations at the hands of Lebanese and/or Cypriot authorities.”

Rights groups have frequently criticized the tactics of authorities in both Lebanon and Cyprus in dealing with would-be migrants and asylum seekers.

Lebanese political officials have pushed for western countries to resettle the refugees or assist in returning them to Syria — voluntarily or not. At the same time, Lebanon has an agreement with Cyprus to halt the smuggling of migrants and has received substantial funding from the European Union and European countries for border control.

In some cases, Syrian refugees who were caught by the Lebanese army attempting to leave to Cyprus by sea have been driven to the Lebanon-Syria border and dumped on the Syrian side, Human Rights Watch said. Allegedly, some of them were then detained by the Syrian army, while others were extorted by smugglers for passage back to Lebanon.

Cyprus, meanwhile, suspended processing of Syrian asylum applications in April. Human Rights Watch accused Cypriot authorities of forcibly turning back boats carrying asylum seekers coming from Lebanon.

In some cases, Cypriot authorities forcibly prevented asylum seekers from landing, and in other cases they made it to shore but “were not given the opportunity to claim asylum” and instead were detained and then returned to Lebanon, where some were then deported to Syria, the report said.

“Both Lebanese and Cypriot authorities used excessive force at the time of arrest and during detention,” Human Rights Watch said.

You have to have these migrants.

That is a core value of democracy, and democracy is the greatest ever system to ever exist in all of the universe.

Democracy is so good that we must force every nation on earth to accept it, and once they accept it, they must face the wrath of infinity migrants – and the wrath of gay anal to the max.

That’s who we are.

If Cyprus quit being so racist, it could become a hip-hop superpower