Daily Slave
November 16, 2014

The Republican and Democratic parties, which are totally bought and paid for by Jewish and Israeli interests, are once again coming together to pass legislation that is good for Jews. Since a small handful of German soldiers came to America after World War II to work, they paid into the social security system. Some of them have received social security benefits.
Despite all of that, because they were German soldiers during World War II, and as everyone knows the German National Socialists turned 60 trillion Jews into soap, it is of the utmost importance that they do not collect these social security benefits. This bill that is being proposed will likely pass overwhelmingly because if anyone votes against it, the Jews will call them anti-Semites.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers will introduce legislation Thursday to strip suspected Nazi war criminals of their Social Security benefits, insisting American taxpayers should not be underwriting the retirement of anyone who participated in the Third Reich’s atrocities.
The Nazi Social Security Benefits Termination Act comes in response to an Associated Press investigation published in October that revealed millions of dollars in benefits have been paid to dozens of former Nazis who were forced out of the United States. At least four are alive, living in Europe on U.S. Social Security.
Instead of bending over for the Jews, perhaps Congress should start investigating all of the lying Jews who are collecting compensation from Germany as a result of their stupid Holocaust hoax. It is amazing to see how many so-called Holocaust survivors even 70 years later are recounting fantasies about their miraculous escape from wooden gas chambers and ovens. If six million of these Jews really died, how is it that so many of them survived today to tell their fairy tales?