Daily Stormer
July 18, 2014

Today Google, which is owned and run by Jews, is honoring the psychopathic mass-murdering black terrorist Nelson Mandela with an interactive banner.
This would have been the sickening bastard’s 96th birthday, if he hadn’t finally died seven months ago.
Here is a video of the black terrorist with a Jew terrorist singing about how they are going to kill all the Whites.
It is one thing to make a goofy black like Martin Luther King a hero, as evidence of his criminal activity did not come out until long after his romantic death. But Mandela was known at the time to be a mass-murdering terrorist leader, bent on killing all Whites. He refused to leave prison on the basis of renouncing violence, after being put in prison for terrorist bombings.

The fact that the Jews are capable of making such an evil beast into a hero shows the level of total dominance they presently hold over the minds of the people. You can literally be attacked for pointing out this man is was a terrorist, even though it can be read on his Wikipedia entry.
We should be deeply ashamed of what the Jew has turned our people into.