Jew-Owned Sportsball Empire is Designed to Prostitute Your Tribal Instincts

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2017

Sportsball is nothing more than very wealthy (((people))) taking the natural tribal instincts of our people which have been stripped from us and turning it into some perverse money-making scheme of attaching yourself to a bunch of Blacks playing a little kids game.

“Professional” sports give nothing of any value to society – it is similar to pornography.

They both have us pay to have our base instincts satisfied while we sit on our asses in a chair doing nothing of value, removing the drive to fulfill these instincts by productive means.

What Trump is doing to show Americans and the rest of the world that these sportsball teams are anti-American, anti-White wastes of money and resources will be one of the most important things he will have done during his presidency.