Sydney Morning Herald
November 6, 2013

Sydney detectives have charged a businessman with child sexual abuse offences at Bondi’s Jewish Yeshiva centre during the 1980s.
A 49-year-old man was arrested on Monday afternoon in the suburb of Queens Park in Sydney’s east and later charged with two counts of gross indecency against 14 and 16 year old males at the Jewish Centre in 1985 and 1986.
He has been refused bail and detectives want people with further information about the alleged 1980s offences to come forward.
Fairfax Media has confirmed the arrested man is Daniel Hayman, who has been residing in Los Angeles in recent years.
The arrest and charging of Hayman overnight is likely to put some of Australia’s most senior rabbinical figures under scrutiny over their failures to act on complaints from victims.
Despite complaints, Hayman was never reported to police and left Australia to live in Los Angles Jewish community, where leaders again acted to shield him.
Corporate records show Hayman was a director of a major Australian Jewish educational arm for several years after his alleged sexual abuse of boys.
Fairfax Media has previously revealed that Hayman recently told one of his alleged victims that Yeshiva spiritual leader Rabbi Pinchus Feldman had admonished him about 25 years ago over his relationship with a boy.
The leader of the Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia, Moshe Gutnick, in March revealed he failed to alert police to an anonymous complaint about Hayman in the 1980s.
Rabbi Gutnick said in hindsight he was wrong not to alert police. Rabbi Feldman said he had no recollection of any confession of child sex abuse 25 years ago.