Jew Rabbi Cries Antisemitism After Being Asked to Leave Restaurant

Daily Slave
September 25, 2014

Boo hoo – the pussy Jew rabbi Ted Riter is shown here crying anti-Semitism to the press after being asked to leave a restaurant.

It sounds like this Jewish Rabbi was just being a Jewish douche so he was thrown out of the restaurant.  Even if the employee made a Jewish joke, this Jew should at least have a sense of humor about it.  These Jews take their Jewishness way too seriously.  Maybe if they didn’t act like such parasitical vampires, people wouldn’t make so many jokes about them.

Jewish Daily Forward:

A rabbi in Jackson, Miss. said he was thrown out of a local restaurant due to his religion.

Rabbi Ted Riter of the Beth Israel Congregation told local media that an employee of Wraps, a Jackson restaurant, asked him if he wanted “a full size or a Jewish size” when he ordered a Greek salad. When the rabbi asked the man what he meant by that, the employee responded: small. Everybody knows that.”

The rabbi said that the employee asked if he was Jewish and then told him to leave the restaurant, accompanied by swearing and anti-Semitic slurs.

When reached by local media, the restaurant owner said that the rabbi “didn’t know exactly what he wanted, and we offered him our services, and that’s the extent of it.” He also said the rabbi “disrespected” the business, according to the Clarion-Ledger newspaper.

Witnesses inside the restaurant verified the rabbi’s version, WAPT News reported.

I wonder who those “witnesses” were.  Because I am having a hard time believing that a Jew was kicked out of a restaurant for being a Jew.  Though I would be happy if that did happen.