Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2015
While the Blacks flail about, confused by transracial Rachel Dolezal, the Jews have swooped in to rescue them. In Haaretz, the good rabbi Michael Knopf has declared that there is no difference between transblack Dolezal and the transgender Bruce Jenner.
This is real. Not even making this up. It is actually happening. The Jews have either read my website or figured out themselves that their idiot social construct theory will collapse unless society is told to accept Rachel Dolezal as a real Black person because it is real in her mind.
The good rabbi begins:
Why is it that a person born with male anatomy can self-identify and live as a woman, but someone born into a Czech-German body can’t self-identify as African-American? Is gender identity a construct, while racial identity is inextricably connected to one’s biology?
These are questions I have been wrestling with since the Rachel Dolezal story set off a firestorm of negativity and derision, while Caitlyn Jenner’s courageous and beautiful act of honest self-expression was widely – and rightly – celebrated. I am, of course, not the only one who has been considering these questions in recent days (I found Adolph Reed, Jr.’s take especially compelling). A candid examination of the issues imparts important wisdom for the Jewish community specifically, and, I think, all of us.
Jenner’s “coming out” was a victory for what sociologists term the “sovereign self,” that each and every individual has the moral right to identify themselves in whatever way feels most authentic to who they are and to live in accordance with that self-determined identity. Our biology need not dictate our destiny, and who we know ourselves to be on the inside is more important than what we look like on the outside, regardless of what anyone else says, or how anyone else seeks to label us. Does the Dolezal case exemplify the limit to this notion of the “sovereign self?”
Yes, “who we know ourselves to be on the inside” does directly translate into “real in my mind.”
I can foresee that when the Holocaust hoax is fully exposed once and for all, Jews will suggest that it doesn’t matter because the gassing of Jews is only a social construct while the Holocaust is real for whoever identifies it as being real.
It is easily within the realm of possibility that a person of Czech-German ancestry could identify as “black.” Ancestry, is but an element of one’s biology. Race, and even ethnicity, on the other hand, is, much like gender, a social construct. It has no demonstrable or factual standards for verification apart, perhaps, from some external biological features (like skin color, or geographic place of origin) that are usually assumed to apply, except for when they don’t. Rather, race is in the mind, both in that of the individual who might identify as a particular race, and in the mind of the broader society, which, for various reasons, has historically expressed an interest in identifying categories of people and trying to neatly place people into those categories it has created for them.
Where would we be without these Jews to explain such things as this to us?
What if Dolezal didn’t fabricate her racial identity, but rather expressed an understanding of her identity that was more composite, more complicated, and more fluid than the typical social categories allow? In other words, what if she checked off the box saying “black” because she genuinely felt black and/or because there are aspects of her biography that make her feel more black than not?
This has to have been what happened. There is no other possibility. Either that or race and sex are both real, Blacks should all be deported to Africa and Bruce Jenner should be locked in an insane asylum.
What if, instead of assuming Dolezal is a fraud, we acknowledged that all of us have, to varying degrees, composite identities, and some of us identify in ways that are at variance with our biology, even if those ways aren’t always publicly recognized or socially acceptable? What if we acknowledged the fact that, at some point or another, each of us ends up checking off boxes because our social systems ask us to, even though those boxes don’t fully articulate who we are? And what would it look like if, instead of trying to label people as this or that identity, or worry about who we are placing in the right category, we honored each individual in the fullness of their complexity and in the dignity of their own self-determination?
These are particularly worthy questions for contemporary Jews to consider for several reasons.
Firstly, because Jewishness is, in an important sense, also a social construct similar to race and gender. As Shaye Cohen argued in “The Beginnings of Jewishness,” “Jewishness, like most – perhaps all – other identities, is imagined; it has no empirical, objective, verifiable reality to which we can point … Jewishness is in the mind … it exists because certain persons want it to exist and believe that it exists. It can be willed into and out of existence” (p. 5).
He continues aimlessly ranting about how Jews only exist because Jews believe they exist – a Talmudic concept that has nothing to do with genetics or heredity. Then closes with a call for Jews to support the concept of transracialism.
What distinguishes us from one another is not our biology or our ancestry, but rather the words of our mouths, the meditations of our hearts, and the deeds of our hands. “Look not at the vessel, but at what it contains,” teaches Rabbi Meir (Pirkei Avot 4:20).
Jewish tradition urges us to build a world where all people, regardless of how they appear on the outside, are treated equally.
Yes. Judaism is Marxism. We know.
And it further invites us not to feel limited by our biology in our pursuit of that world. More importantly, it demands we not impose limitations on others – like Caitlyn Jenners or Rachel Dolezals – especially when they are striving to build that world-to-come.
And there you have it.
You will now witness the circling of the wagons around the transracial Rachel Dolezal. Because the Jews have figured out it is necessary to do so.
Sit back now and watch the entire media apparatus defend this woman, as the voices of criticism fade into obscurity.