Daily Slave
August 20, 2014

Ukrainian Prime Minister and Jew Arseniy Yatsenyuk stated recently that Ukraine intends to privatize almost all state-run enterprises. He says they need to do this because of corruption.
In reality, he is just doing this so his fellow Jews who run major Western corporations can take over these institutions. Ukraine has been sold out to the Jews. There is no question about this.
From Itarr Tass:
The Ukrainian government intends to privatize almost all state-run enterprises, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Tuesday.
He said that where there is state property there is corruption.
“The government’s task is to sell state property, except strategic. The state property today is prone to unprecedented corruption. The prime minister’s reception office is full of people’s deputies. You think they bring reform concepts? They care about the appointment of their people to state companies. I see no way to overcome this corruption other than to sell these state companies,” Yatsenyuk said.