Jew Sarkozy is Straight-Cucking Le Pen – He Just Called to Cleanse Calais

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2016


So Marine Le Pen – who is a woman – sold out her father’s entire platform because she thought it would make the Jews like her.

Turns out they don’t care.

Because Le Pen went so far left, cucked-out on so much, the Jew Sarkozy is just waltzing in and taking over, making hardcore right-wing statements she’s afraid to make.

This kike is literally dancing around on the grave of her entire political career.

The Sunday Times:

After years in and out of the headlines, the notorious Jungle camp in Calais has turned into an acute test for the French government and has become a symbol of the country’s broader dilemmas over race, religion and society.

This week the Socialist government, desperate to put an end to an image that has come to define its failure to control migration, will speed up plans to shut the camp before it dominates next year’s presidential election campaign.

It is too late to stop the candidates on the Right — from Marine Le Pen of the National Front to the resurgent former president Nicolas Sarkozy — exploiting what they call Hollande’s dithering and weakness.

Sarkozy has seized the opportunity to challenge what he calls blind elitist attitudes and say the unsayable.

“What is really inhuman is to let these migrants think there is a future for them in France at a time when our mechanism for integration has stalled,” he said.

Last Wednesday, he brought his message to Calais, where he had a go both at the weak French state and the perfidious British. Scowling as he watched police haul out half a dozen stowaways from a truck, he declared: “There’s something frightening about this abdication by the state, this lack of authority.

At the town hall, famed for a bronze statue by Auguste Rodin of a group of city burghers who offered themselves up to end an English siege in the 14th century, Sarkozy said he could make Britain take in asylum-seekers. “Try me,” he told a doubting local.

Polls suggest not many are convinced, while Alain Juppe, his moderate rival, called his rhetoric “a path to civil war”.

In the battle for the “silent majority” vote, some French politicians know they are playing with fire — and they may be missing the millennial generation.

Away from the politics, from the desolate suburbs, the arguments over Islam and the fear of crime or terrorism, there are signs France’s vaunted integration policy — which does not acknowledge “communities” but insists all are equal citizens — still has strengths.

Le Pen isn’t even talking about this.

She’s already said Islam is French, which Sarkozy has rejected.

He won’t do what he says, but she isn’t even saying she’s going to do anything.

This is the worst situation ever.


All she talks about is the Frexit, which is the only issue she has left. It is the most important issue, but it isn’t widely recognized as more important than the much more immediate issue of these monkeys running around everywhere killing and raping.

She’s going to lose.

Let this be a lesson: cucking always fails and so do women (when you expect them to perform male roles).

This goes for you, my Nazis: don’t cuck. Don’t involve women in your crap.