Jew Says Jews Need to Work Harder to Shut Down The Donald

Daily Stormer
August 21, 2015

Shut. It. Down.
Shut. It. Down.

Yes, yes. We all know that the Donald has a lot of Jewish connections and we all are made nervous by these.

However, his main message is in opposition to the main message of the Jews, and the Jewish establishment is trying to stop him.

Now, they are coming out not as “the media” but as “the Jews” and saying they need to shut it down.

Funnily enough, this Jew in Haaretz is saying Jews need to help the Mexicans because they are also criminals.

“The crimes committed by the Russian Hebrews are generally those against property. They are burglars, firebugs, pickpockets and highway robbers, when they have the courage, but though all crime is their province, pocket-picking is the one to which they seem to take most naturally. Among the most expert of all the street thieves are Hebrew boys under sixteen, who are being brought up to lives of crime.”

This bracing appraisal wasn’t made by a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, in 2015, but in a famous article by a New York Police Commissioner, Theodore Bingham, in 1908. And he wasn’t referring to Mexicans, obviously, but to the “Hebrew hordes”, as they were often called at the time, who had fled the Czarist persecutions in Russia. The song, nonetheless, sounds familiar.

“Wherefore it is not astonishing that with a million Hebrews, mostly Russian, in the city, (one quarter of the population), perhaps half the criminals should be of that race, when we consider that ignorance of the language, more particularly among men not physically fit for hard labor, is conducive to crime,” Bingham wrote. The Jewish community was up in arms, vigorously protesting Bingham’s wild exaggerations, but the damage was done. It was another brick in the wall that would soon shut the gates of America to Eastern European Jews.

Nativist sentiments, like the ones that Trump has kindled in recent weeks, had been sweeping America in the economic ups and downs of the last two decades of the 19th century. Republican President Benjamin Harrison’s administration warned against “large numbers of degraded and undesirable persons” about to sweep the country. An Immigration Restriction League was set up, with widely respected Republican Senators Henry Cabot Lodge and William Dillingham serving as allies and spokesmen. Although their ostensible mission was to restrict immigration of all people from “Southern or Eastern Europe”, everyone knew that their main target were the Jews, who, as historian Howard Sachar wrote, were portrayed at the time “at best in the familiar guise of pawnshop owners and clothing dealers, at worst as white slavers and gangsters.”