Jew Senator Diane Feinstein Lashes Out at Anti-Semitic Global Warming Hoax Children

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2019

Holy shit, this is my new favorite video ever.

I am really starting to take kindly to the total collapse of any form of coherence in Western society, to the point where I’m beginning to wonder if the machine in the sky hasn’t created this nightmare for my personal amusement.

A group of school children went to Diane Feinstein’s office in San Francisco and started demanding that she back Ocasio-Cortez’ “Green New Deal,” which calls for banning most electricity, most home heating and all airplane travel by 2030.

They had some stupid woman in her 20s leading them, and the kids were all whining about how they’re going to be living under water in a few years if we don’t shut everything down right now and start living like the Amish.

The grizzled old Jewish rat Feinstein, who is responsible for flooding America with 75-IQ lunatics like Ocasio-Cortez in the first place, had a meltdown on the whiny little brainwashed brats and told them: “I’ve been doing this for 30 years, I know what I’m doing.”

“You come in here and say ‘it has to be my way or the highway’ and I don’t respond to that,” Feinstein said, sneering at the goyim.

This country has become completely unworkable. Most people do not even believe manmade global warming is real, let alone that cities are going to be flooded in 10 years, let alone that the solution is to cut off the electricity in America and let people live like the Amish.

I’m personally not even against going full-Amish.

But these angry lunatics are not even admitting that their plan is an Amish transformation. The literal claim by Ocasio and her people is that we will invent new technologies in the next ten years that will power houses and vehicles as we shut off the electricity being generated by fossil fuel and nuclear power (they are trying to cut nuclear power even though it doesn’t release CO2, no one knows why).

I have never in my life heard of a policy that requires destroying crucial infrastructure based on the theory that it will be replaced with technology that hasn’t been invented yet.

And obviously, not even the Jews can go along with this. Ocasio and her people are ready to start shutting off power plants right now and then tell their teams of affirmative action multicultural scientists that they better hurry up and invent new power sources because people are sitting in the dark freezing to death.

It’s just wow.

What a complete disaster.

Not as big of a disaster as Alexandria’s posture though.

That’s the worst disaster I’ve seen at least since all those niggers drowned in Katrina.

Hit me up for a shoulder exercise routine, babe. Plus, I’ll write the “how to live like the Amish” section of your Green New Deal, which will hopefully keep some white people from freezing to death.

All the brown people in the north of the country are going to freeze to death either way once we go full-Amish, which is one of the reasons I support this plan.