Jew Soros Behind Albanian Terror in Macedonia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2016


Trouble brewing?

Yeah, there’s the Jew Soros again!


Soros’s Open Society Institute and Foundation, as well as his generous gift, some would say bribe, of $100 million to Human Rights Watch and his sponsorship, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), of a number of Eastern and Central European front organizations has given the global hedge fund tycoon an inordinate amount of influence over U.S. foreign policy. Soros’s fingerprints on manipulation of political parties, media organizations and web sites, «civil society» groups, and governments, sometimes accomplished in league with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the operations of which Soros inherited from the Central Intelligence Agency, can be seen in «color revolutions» from Georgia and Ukraine to Macedonia and Serbia.

Soros has supported the independence of Kosovo, the U.S. and NATO protectorate that recently launched terrorist attacks on neighboring Macedonia from its soil. Kosovo and its U.S. military base at Camp Bondsteel serve as logistics points for the allegedly banned Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), of which Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci was once the chief, to attempt to stir up ethnic Albanians who are working with the Soros-funded opposition to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

Jews love those Albanians!

They really get along well together.

There is also a huge US military presence in Kosovo, and they obviously monitor what these terrorist groups are up to. But they don’t seem to care.

The United States, perhaps representing the interests of Soros and his cabal of «democracy manipulators», was quiet as Macedonia discovered U.S. passports among the dead KLA terrorists found after their foray from Kosovo into the Macedonian town of Kumanovo.

The recent attempt to force a revolution in Macedonia was not without the familiar Soros «theme.» As anti-government protesters teemed through the central square of Skopje, a female employee of the Soros-financed Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Macedonia applied a heavy amount of red lipstick on herself and then proceeded to plant a kiss on the riot shield of a policeman. The attempt to stage a Kiev-like «Maidan Revolution» in Skopje became known as the «Lipstick Revolution» as Soros-financed media transmitted the photograph of the kiss imprint to web sites and news organizations around the world.

Yeah, they’re so cute, aren’t they?

Very good at staging these emotional scenes.


It was like something out of The Lion King.

We expected Elton to start humming.

But it comes out “oh yeah, she was working for Soros, whole thing was completely staged,” and the emotional weight of it remains, even when you know it’s fake.

In every case where the Soros organization engages in «democracy manipulation», the Obama-appointed U.S. ambassadors are willing accomplices. This was the case in Kiev with Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt – and his boss and friend Victoria Nuland, the chief of the State Department’s Europe/Eurasia bureau — in Skopje with Ambassador Jess Baily, and in a number of other countries, from Algeria to Zimbabwe and Mongolia to Moldova.

Soros is a supporter of U.S. and European Union economic sanctions on Russia. However, Soros is also a keen manipulator of economic crises and he has taken advantage of artificial crisis brought about by Western sanctions against Russia to make money on investments designed to bypass Russian gas pipeline projects, such as the Turkish Stream project that is to bring gas from Russia to Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.

Soros’s financial support for the «Lipstick revolutionaries» in Macedonia is a clear attempt to dislodge that country from the Turkish Stream deal. Meanwhile, Soros and his close friend and business associate, Nathaniel Rothschild, have virtually purchased the nation of Montenegro, which, along with Croatia, are being dangled as alternate source of gas from U.S. tankers distributing it from new offshore gas terminals to be built in the Adriatic Sea. Oil and gas exploration companies, in which Soros has vested interests, are drilling in pristine Montenegro and Croatian waters.

With Mr. Soros, the so-called defender of freedom, liberty, and the environment, comes phony staged revolutions, inter-ethnic bloodshed and civil wars, and the specter of off-shore platforms, fossil fuel marine terminals, supertankers polluting idyllic maritime regions, from the Adriatic coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Alaskan Arctic North to Alberta prairies.

It’s going to be a hot summer.

I predict another revolution-attempt in Macedonia as well as Moldova (in Macedonia, they are definitely going to increase the Albanian terror attacks). They might even try something in Serbia. Who knows. It’s cheap and easy to do and there are no consequences if it fails.

Plus they no doubt fear The Donald, and want to get as much done as they can before he steps in to shut it down.