Jew Terrorist Joshua Goldberg Won’t Go to Trial

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2015

Joshua Goldberg: The Jewish racial soul
Joshua Goldberg: The Jewish racial soul

As we predicted, it appears that our friend Michael Slay, also known as Joshua Goldberg the Jewish ISIS terrorist, is going to walk free. Or at least walk freely into a mental health facility, rather than a prison cell.

Related: Wacko Jew Terrorist Joshua Goldberg Attempted to Infiltrate the Daily Stormer

Related: Joshua Goldberg Plot Thickens: FBI Won’t Indict Him “Because Maybe He’s Mentally Ill”

The Florida Times-Union:

A prison psychologist in Miami has found an Orange Park man charged with terrorism is not sane enough to go on trial.

U.S. Magistrate Judge James Klindt said Thursday that Joshua Ryne Goldberg, 20, had been examined by Lisa Feldman of the federal detention center in Miami and Feldman found Goldberg to be “suffering from a mental disorder that significantly impairs his ability to understand what is happening.”

Lisa Feldman, roflmao.

It’s almost like Jews have set up a completely separate system for themselves within our system.

Klindt said a competency hearing for Goldberg would occur Dec. 14 with Feldman testifying. If Klindt is satisfied with Feldman’s conclusions, Goldberg is likely to be sent to a mental institution rather than face a trial.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys both declined to discuss the case after Thursday’s 10-minute status conference. Defense attorney Paul Shorstein said details about his client’s mental condition would become apparent at the Dec. 14 hearing.

Shorstein has previously said Goldberg suffers from depression and his parents have indicated he has other mental health problems.

The criminal complaint against Goldberg said he had many different personalities online, at different times claiming to be an Australian militant who’d joined the Islamic State, a Jewish attorney, a news reporter, a feminist and a free-speech advocate.

Goldberg was at Thursday’s hearing in a beard and shoulder-length hair while wearing a prison uniform and shackles. He showed little emotion but did turn and waive to his parents as he was being led out of the courtroom.

His parents declined to comment after the hearing.

For those who don’t recall, Goldberg was the most prolific internet troll thus far. Perhaps. Among other things, he attempted to infiltrate the Daily Stormer with his hilarious Jew antics.


After I discovered his plot and threw him out, he trolled Moslems and tried to get an FBI agent to bomb a 9/11 memorial event.