Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2015

Earlier this week I reported on a network of Jewish SJWs directly connected to an admitted Jewish terrorist. I have done some more clicking around on Twitter, and found that Malcolm “The Hammer” Harris, who wrote an op-ed on the Islamic-Saudi website Al-Jazeera instructing people to rush Stormfront meet-ups in masks and beat people with hammers, is part of a gigantic network of influential SJW Jews. Though he has quite a few goyim fanboys, of those who are active in culture creation – journalism, the arts or the university system – at least 85% are Jewish. I profiled several of them yesterday, though at that point I had only looked at ones who had commented on his Tweets about this site.
Get this – he started his online magazine, The New Inquiry, with a Jewess named Rachel Rosenfelt whom he worked with when he was making himself an Occupy Wall Street celebrity and trying to charge people $5000 for public speaking engagements. She was his agent via a company called the Levin Agency (lol).

And hey, I just want to vent here for a second about Jewish Privilege, which unlike White Privilege actually exists – Rachel Rosenfelt was honored in Forbes magazine in 2014 in a “30 under 30” media list. According to Alexa, her site gets about 15% of the traffic this site gets (regarding Alexa, read this). We are the same age. I am a way better writer than she is, and a much more interesting person in a general sense. And yet, somehow I was not called up to be honored by Forbes. In fact, I have not ever been called up to be honored by any mainstream news source, ever. The only time mainstream media calls me up, it’s like “are you for real a Nazi bro can I interview you about your parents must have been in the Ku Klux Klan?”
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Harris’ OWS celebrity stemmed from an incident wherein he illegally led a protest across the Brooklyn Bridge. He plead guilty to disorderly conduct after the courts forced Twitter to release posts he had made at the time of the illegal march.
700 people were arrested at the march, presumably most of them non-Jews and unaware of the fact that Harris and virtually his entire network of political subversives are Jewish.

What we need to do now is pressure these people into addressing why, if their political paradigm represents some type of movement to unite all peoples, a foreign racial group which is only 2% of the population represents 85% of it. For those who are not math experts, this means a Jew is 42.5 times more likely to be involved in their particular network of freedom fighters than a non-Jew.
This is a fantastic thing. Even if we put aside the fact that Jews have been convicted of causing social chaos in host societies constantly for thousands of years (last year they got kicked out of a village in Guatamala for trying to Jew everyone over – hard to blame that one on historic European anti-Semitism), we still have a very bizarre situation. Blacks are 13% of the population, and if you had a political collective that was 85% Black claiming to represent all people in America uniting for revolution against whatever, you’d be like “I don’t know man, this looks kinda like a Black thing.” That’s the same percentage Black the Jazz and Ribs fest is, and when you go there you are under no illusions that you are at something other than a Black thing. A thing which is definitively Black in nature.
So: why is it that the goyim require a gang of violent, hammer-wielding Jews to free them from oppression?
If the European and African populations of America really are so pathetic that we need foreigners from the Middle East to come fix all of our problems for us, then maybe we don’t deserve the help? Maybe you kindly Jews should just pack up and move to Israel and let us all live meaningless lives due to a lack of a revolution against whatever it is you’re trying to lead us all into a revolt against?
Ah, but maybe this is Tikkun Olam? But if this is an attempt to heal the world, why don’t you just go ahead come out with it? “We are God’s chosen people and we came here from the Middle East to save you from yourselves by directing you to bash people’s heads in with hammers at restaurants.” Why is there a need for subterfuge, if you are just kindly chosens trying to save us from our barbaric goyim ways?
And it is subterfuge. Being a definitively Jewish movement which does not identify itself as a Jewish movement is fundamentally deceitful. If you really didn’t see race and blah blah blah we’re all the same, it would be statistically impossible for you to have somehow ended up with a political collective that is 85% Jewish in a country with a 2% Jewish population. I’m not a mathematician, but those numbers just don’t work.
So: what is the explanation?
Surely, the non-Jews involved with you must be complete dupes. As you are a group of Jews organized in such a fashion that it is statistically impossible that there is not a Jewish reason for the fashion in which you have organized, and you are pushing a political and social agenda, the non-Jews involved in your political movement and the non-Jews who consume the media you produce are unwittingly being used as pawns in a Jewish program to restructure a European society.
Oh, and before “we’re not a political organization etc etc” – you are a group of people, connected by both politics and media influence, working toward the same political and social agenda. It doesn’t matter you’re not all card-carrying members of some official political party.
I’ve got a new inquiry for you, buddy: what the hell is going on here?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Phase Now
Operation: Fight Me, You Faggot continues.
Here’s the plan.
Tweet pictures and links to this article to all of these people.
Hit the Jews connected directly, such as these ones:

And of course, you can hit up The Hammer himself.
The main idea to push is that they have an obligation to explain why their movement is almost entirely Jewish. But have fun with it.
Ideas for further trolls:
“You there, hook-nose! This is the internet police! What is your connection to the terrorist Malcolm “The Hammer” Harris???”
“Does your manager know of your relationship with the terrorist Jew Malcolm The Hammer?”
“I’m looking for a low interest loan. Can you help me, merchant?”
It may turn out to be even more interesting to Tweet up some of the non-Jews. I will leave that up to you. I don’t want to put too many names on here now, as we want the troll attack to be concentrated. And there will be time for that. This is far from over.
You must get in the game if you wish to win the game. Get on Twitter and get on board for the big win.
This Jew threatened to attack our people with hammers while they eat. We must not let this slide.
Hail Victory.